The truth part 2

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It was the day after Rory had told Amy the truth and they were both lying in bed facing each other.

"You can't bottle this away Rory, you need to talk to someone, talk to me, please, I'm worried about you" she started stroking his hair.

"I don't want you to get upset about this" he looked at her, "if I have a conversation about this with you I'm afraid I might upset you".

"I'm already upset, you being ill like this is beyond upsetting, but please talk to someone Rory, go to the hospital, get some help with this, you don't have to go through this alone". She sighed and stroked his cheek, "I just want you to get better".

He teared up slightly, "I'm really scared"

She nodded and moved closer to him, wrapping her arms around him while he rested his head on her chest. "I'm scared too".

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