The Woe of the Past (I)

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Noah Mytilence's POV

The weight of the crown feels heavier with each passing day. Here I am, in a foreign land, far from the palace that was once my home. The academy's walls are cold and unwelcoming, a stark contrast to the warmth I once knew. Every morning, I wake up to the same routine, the same relentless pressure to excel.

Osman, my loyal assistant, is the only constant in this sea of uncertainty. He has been with me since childhood, a silent guardian who understands my struggles better than anyone else. His presence is a small comfort in this overwhelming world.

Today was no different. The professors' expectations are as high as ever, their eyes always watching, always judging. I tried my best, as I always do, but it never seems to be enough. My grades are mediocre at best, and the other students' whispers of disdain follow me everywhere. They see me as a privileged outsider, someone who doesn't belong.

Osman tries to reassure me, and his voice is gentle and kind. "You are doing your best, Your Highness," he says, but his words do little to ease the ache in my heart. I feel like a failure, a disappointment to my family and my kingdom.

Nights are the hardest. In the silence of my room, I lie awake, staring at the ceiling, the weight of my responsibilities pressing down on me. I miss my home, the familiar faces of my family, even the stern gaze of my father. But most of all, I miss the freedom of being a child, a freedom I have never truly known.

Osman sits by my side, his presence a silent comfort. He never judges me, never demands more than I can give. In these quiet moments, I find a sliver of solace, a brief respite from the relentless pressure that defines my existence.

But the sadness never truly leaves me. It lingers, a constant companion, reminding me of the life I am forced to lead. I am a prince, destined for greatness, yet trapped in a world where perfection is an unattainable dream.

And so, I continue to strive, to push myself beyond my limits, all the while knowing that I can never be the perfect prince my family wants me to be. The crown weighs heavy on my head, a symbol of the expectations I can never escape. 

Elliot Ellis's POV

Growing up, life was a constant struggle. My mother, Adeline, worked tirelessly as a maid for the royal family, and I was always aware of the sacrifices she made to keep us afloat. Everyone calls me Ellis, and from a young age, I knew that if I wanted a future, I had to fight for it myself.

Our small apartment starkly contrasted the grandeur of the palace where my mother worked. The walls were thin, and the sounds of the city seeped in, a constant reminder of the world outside. My mother would come home late, her hands rough and her eyes tired, but she never complained. She did everything she could to support me, even when it meant going without herself.

The school was my escape, but it was also a battleground. I knew that scholarships were my only way out, the only chance I had to make something of myself. I studied late into the night, the dim light of our old lamp casting long shadows on my textbooks. The pressure was immense, and there were times when I felt like I was drowning under the weight of it all.

The other kids at school didn't understand. They saw me as the girl with the maid for a mother, the one who didn't quite fit in. I kept my head down and focused on my work, but the whispers and sideways glances were hard to ignore. I felt like I was constantly trying to prove myself, to show that I was more than just the daughter of a servant.

My mother tried to be there for me as much as she could, but her job demanded so much of her. There were days when I barely saw her, our conversations limited to brief exchanges in the early morning or late at night. She would always ask about my day, her eyes filled with concern, but I could see the exhaustion etched into her face.

Despite everything, I pushed on. I applied for every scholarship I could find, knowing that each one was a lifeline. The rejection letters were hard to take, each one a blow to my already fragile confidence. But I couldn't afford to give up. I had to keep going, for my sake and for my mother's.

The palace was a constant reminder of the life I didn't have. I would sometimes accompany my mother to work, helping her with the chores and watching the royals from a distance. Their lives seemed so effortless, so far removed from the reality I knew. It was hard not to feel a pang of envy, but I tried to push it aside. I had my own path to forge, no matter how difficult it might be.

Every day was a struggle, but it was my reality. I learned to navigate the challenges, to find strength in the small victories. My mother was my anchor, her unwavering support the only constant in a world that often felt overwhelming. Together, we faced each day, knowing that the road ahead was long and uncertain.

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