the first day

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Cristina walked in on her first day, and changed into her scrubs, and she got paged down to the ER. She walked down to the ambulance bay to see Owen. She smiled, "Morning." 

"Good Morning" he half smiled. She grabbed a gown and tried to tie it but struggled a little. 

"Here, let me help" he tied the gown and his hand brushed the back of her neck. She closed her eyes as his skin touched hers, then snapped out of it.

"Thank you" she said as she took her rings off, and pinned them to her scrub top. They stood silently for a long minute, and then she broke the silence, "We can be friends right? I mean, I don't think we should be strangers..." she offered nervously. 

"I agree" he answered, "We can be friends." 

"Good" she smiled, but something still felt weird. 

"So how'd you meet?" Owen asked to break the silence. She looked at him a little confused. "Your-" he stopped, because it was hard to say, "husband." 

"Oh," she smiled, "Cole. It's not a great story or anything, I ran into him out, it turned out  he worked at a practice in downtown, and he was at the hospital a lot operating, we started seeing each other, and about a year later we got married." Her face lit up telling the story, "what about you? Are you seeing anyone?" 

"Amelia Shepherd" he smiled.
"That's great" she smiled. "I'm happy for you." 

He began to speak again, but the ambulance pulled up. They brought the patient into the OR. It was a big surgery, so lots of people filled the gallery. Cristina and Owen talked, and got to know each other again. 

They came out of surgery a couple hours later laughing, and joking, "I've missed this" Owen said. 

"So have I" Cristina agreed with a smile. She pulled her trauma gown off, and started to scrub out, when she noticed her ring was gone, she frantically searched her pockets and the floor around her. 

"What's wrong?" Owen asked.

"My rings, they're gone..." she said upset. 

"Didn't you pin them to your shirt?" Owen said as he looked around.

"I did, but they're gone now." She looked around for quite awhile, and then gave up, sitting on the OR floor. 

Owen sat down next to her and put a hand on her shoulder, "It's okay, they're around here somewhere." 

She sighed, "Cole's going to kill me," she said sort of joking but still upset, "that's the second ring he's bought." 

"Well then he must really love you" Owen joked. 

Cristina laughed a little, "I think he just might" she smiled, and stood up, "I need a coffee. You want a coffee?" she asked. 

"I'd love a coffee" he smiled. They walked down to the coffee cart outside. Cristina ordered her coffee, and Owen's while he talked to an intern. "You remember my order?" he chuckled.

She nodded, "you know how many time I got that order?" she laughed, and sighed. Owen looked at her almost sad. "After all our obstacles, it's good to see you with someone else now," she offered a smile, "and I'm really glad that you and I can still be friends." 

"So am I" Owen said, but he felt upset, and didn't understand why. He had Amy, but it was like Cristina had some sort of hold on him.

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