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Owen sat down in his desk chair defeated, and rested his head in his hands. Moments later he heard the door crack open, "Cris-," he looked up before finishing. It was Amelia. He smiled at her, but this time his smile was different. His smile was sad. 

"What's wrong?" She ask him, stepping closer to his desk. 

"We should talk..."

Amy took a seat across from his desk, knowing in her heart what he was going to say, but hoping she was wrong, "okay."

"I don't want to lie to you, Amy, and the last thing I want to do is hurt you..." 

"So don't," she offered. 

"I don't know how to- I think we should break up." His voice cracked as he spoke, he did love her, but it was a half hearted love; a love that was enough but not fair to her. He had to let her go. 

"Is it because of Cristina?" She knew the answer, but she needed to hear him say it. 

"No- Yes. It's just, I can't give myself to you completely because she will always have a part of me, and that's clear now that she's back." 

"She's married, Owen."

"I know that," he paused and sighed, "I'm not leaving you for her, Amy. I'm leaving you because I can only give you part of my heart, and that's not fair to you. You deserve better than that." 

"I just don't understand, we were fine just a few months ago." 

"I know," he looked up at her, "I'm so sorry, Amelia." 

"I'm sorry, too." She got up and he watched as she walked away. He leaned back in his desk chair and closed his eyes. When he sat up he saw the picture of him and Amy on his desk, he gently placed it face down and returned back to work.

She was right, they had been fine until Cristina came back. He even had an engagement ring. He took in a deep breath and sat wondering just how he'd gotten himself in such a messy situation.

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