old habits

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Cristina walked down the stairs, her head spinning. She took a seat in between Alex and Cole. Owen followed, and sat next to Arizona on the other side of the table. Cole smiled at Cristina and then said joking, "now that your husband without benefits is here, I guess we can start." 

Cristina looked to Alex who was laughing, they really had become close. Should she tell him about the kiss? No, she thought, he and Cole are friends, he wouldn't understand. She looked over at Owen for a half a second but then turned back to Cole, "Let's eat," she smiled. 

Owen watched as Cole put a hand on Cristina's, and he bit his tongue. Just then his pager went off, "I guess I have to go," he said, "Thank you for the invite." He stood up, and pushed his chair in.

Cole looked over to Cristina, "why don't you walk him out, Cris?" he smiled. Cristina gritted her teeth, she didn't want to be alone with him but she nodded with a smile and stood up. She walked to the door and stepped onto the porch, gently pulling the door closed. 

"What the hell, Owen?"

"I'm sorry," he sighed, "I just- you're back and seeing you around the hospital hearing your laugh," he paused, "it's like whatever's been missing in my life is back..."

"I'm married...." she said looking down.

"Tell me you don't feel something, if you can look me in the eyes and tell me you love Cole and want nothing to do with me then I'll go, I'll leave you alone." 

She looked up at him quietly and then sighed, "I can't...," she said and looked back at the ground, "but Cole is my husband... that means something." 

He nodded, "I should go," he said looking into her eyes but not moving.

"You're right, you should." She turned to open the door to the house, "uhm- thank you, for coming" she said, and with that she was gone. 

After all the guests had left she went to her room and laid down. She couldn't get her thoughts straight, she was so happy with Cole in Zurich, and now Owen is back in her head. She closed her eyes with a sigh, just as Cole walked in. 

"Everything alright?" he said as he laid down next to her, and kissed her cheek. 

She nodded, "just tired, worried about one of my patients," she lied. She hated lying to Cole, "Actually, I think I'm going to go check on them." 

"Okay," Cole smiled, "I'll see you in the morning then." He kissed her cheek again.
She stood up and put on her coat, and got in her car, and drove to the hospital. 

She walked into the emergency room and saw Owen leaving. She had to think quick, she followed him and when she got within ear shot yelled, "Owen wait..." 

He turned and saw her walking closer to him, she took a deep breath and stood still in front of him for a second, her heart and mind racing. He looked down at her smiling, and then she kissed him with everything she had. She pulled away, and grabbed his hand, pulling him into the nearest on call room she could find.

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