the voicemail

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Owen sat outside the hospital while Cristina spoke to the chief about continuing her research. The warm L.A. sun hitting his face, and his head racing and replaying what Cristina had revealed to him in the cab. I had to let you go, he heard her voice repeat in his head, I had to let you go. He closed his eyes, and thought back to the first year Cristina lived in Switzerland. They spoke on the phone almost every night, and he spent months beating himself up for not going with her. He couldn't see himself with anyone but her, and he knew a relationship with that much distance couldn't work, but he always thought she'd win the awards, and create new techniques, and then when she was done she'd come back to Seattle and show up at his door and she'd be home. Owen was deep in thought trying to piece together exactly when they stopped speaking, when he felt her hand on his shoulder. 

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"I"m fine, just thinking."

"About?" She knew the answer, but she needed to ask because starting the conversation on her own was too big of a leap. 

"When did it happen?" He ask blankly.

"When did what happen?" His question caught her off guard.

"When did you let me go?"

"I don't know exactly when," she sat down next to him, "it was a process. If I had to put an exact date on it, I'd say it was during the time you were in Jordan with April. I had decided I needed to a month or so before, but I think when I left you the voicemail is when it was official."

Owen nodded as he listened, but stopped in confusion. "What voicemail?"

"Owen please don't make me relive it, I went over those words in my mind for weeks and it took everything to say them out loud."

Owen wracked his brain trying to think of what she could've been talking about, "when did you say this was?"

"While you were in Jordan. I wanted to actually speak to you, but you had such little time-"

"I have to go." Owen stood up, and began to walk toward the street to hail a cab.

"Owen, wait!" Cristina called after him, "Owen, I'm sorry."

He stopped and turned back to her, "you have nothing to be sorry for." He looked into her eyes genuinely, "but there's something I have to do." He stepped out into the street and held his arm out for a cab. 

When he got inside he immediately called his assistant, "Katie, I need you to do something extremely important."

"Of course, Dr. Hunt, what is it?"

"On my computer in my office, there is a file of old voicemails from when I was in Jordan. I need you to find it."

Katie scrolled through all his files until she saw it, "okay I'm looking at it."

"Please email them to me."

"There's at least a hundred, it'll take days to send properly. Have you still not listened to these?"

"Things were hectic when I got back-" his brain was all over the place, he couldn't wait days to hear this, "just send me any from Cristina. As soon as possible."

Katie combed through the voicemails and found three from Cristina. "I'm sending them right now. Is everything alright, you sound flustered?"

"It will be. Thank you, Katie."

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