a conversation

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It had been almost two weeks since Cristina had spoken to Owen. She knew she had to keep her distance from him, and so she did however hard it was. Things were fine with Cole and as long as she kept her distance from Owen she could, for the most part, keep him off her mind. 

She was walked past his office quickly on the way to the lab, hoping not to catch a glimpse of him. She made it a couple feet past the door when she heard her name. 

"Cristina," she kept walking as if she hadn't heard him. "Dr. Turner," he exclaimed. She finally turned around and offered a smile, "can I talk to you for a minute? In my office." 

Shit she thought to herself, "of course." She walked slowly to his office door where he stood waiting. 

He closed the door behind her and watched as she sat in one of the chairs opposite the side of his. "So you're just going to avoid me now?" He said as he sat on the edge of his desk facing her. 

"I told you, Owen.. I'm married." 

"Cristina, you pulled me into that on call room, not the other way around." 

She took a deep breath, "well, you kissed me first." 

"This isn't some sort of" he stopped, "I'm not looking for a fight, I just want to know what's going on in your head." 

She pushed the hair out of her face, "I don't know, Owen. I love Cole. I wouldn't have married him if I didn't." 

"So what happened the other night was just a slip up." 

"Y-," she paused, "no." She gave in with a sigh, "I want to be your friend, and I want to be able to be around you, but I just can't. You get in my head and you're all I can think about." 

"So what do you want from me?" Owen looked at her confused. 

"I don't know, Owen!" She exclaimed in frustration, "I'm sorry." She looked at her hands with her wedding rings on them, "you've got Amy, and I have Cole, it's just-."

He cut her off, "Cristina, Amy isn't you. You said yourself that you can't stop thinking about me, you know exactly what's going on in my mind." 

"We don't work, Owen." The room was silent for a moment.

"What are you talking about, Cristina?" Owen asked not giving her time to respond, "you're the only person I've ever loved that deeply. You're the only- I only work with you." 

"Then why didn't you come with me?" She looked at him wide eyed.

"I-," he paused, "that was the biggest mistake I ever made." 

"I put our wedding pictures up in my office, you know- Alex thought it was dumb, he kept telling me to take them down." 

"What?" He rested his arms at his side, shocked by what she has just revealed. 

"I didn't think I would ever be happy with someone else, but now I am, and so are you. Let's just-," her voice broke, "let's just leave it like that." 

She stood up to go, her heart heavy, when she felt his hand grab her wrist.

"Tell me you don't love me." 

"It doesn't matter, I'm married." 

"Tell me you don't love me." 

"What about Amy?" she motioned to the picture on his desk. 

"Tell me you don't love me." 

"I can't, Owen!" She pulled her arm from his grasp, "but that doesn't mean we work."
She walked out the door, her heart beating quickly, and her head full of confusion. She hurried into an on call room and slammed the door closed. Her body rested on the door and she slid down it to sit, gently holding her wrist and remembering his touch.

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