meeting the husband

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Cristina walked into the hospital that morning and went to check on the patient she and Owen had operated on the day before. While she was headed out she saw Owen rushing into the room, his hair a mess, "sorry I'm late." 

"Over sleep?" Cristina chuckled. He nodded. "Come here," she took a step closer, "You're hair is mess." She gently smoothed the hair with her hand, "There, you can't even tell." She half smiled, and looked into his eyes. 

He thought about how normal it felt to have her hands there, and how he missed how delicate her touch was. "Thank you" he said. 

"No problem" she smiled, "oh! I found my ring!" She held out her hand where both her rings sat on her finger. 

"That's great," Owen smiled. 

Just then a nurse walked in the room, "Cristina, there's a Dr. Turner here to see you?" 

Cristina smiled, as Cole entered the room, "hey stud," she smiled and kissed him then motioned to Owen, "this is Dr. Hunt." 

Cole smiled and held out a hand, "Cole Turner." 

"Owen Hunt" he said, and shook Cole's hand. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Cole smiled. Cristina took Cole's hand, "You left your stethoscope at the house this morning." He held out her stethoscope.

"You didn't have to bring it all the way over here" she smiled. 

"I wanted to see you," Cole smiled, "I don't have to work until later, so I thought I'd watch one of your surgeries while I was here." 

"I'd like that," she smiled, "Owen and I were just about to take Mr. Jenkins, back into surgery again." 

Owen nodded, "OR three, If you tell my assistant I sent you she'll get you a pass for the gallery," he smiled even though it was killing him to see her with someone else. 

"Great, thanks," he said with a smile then turned to Cristina, "I'll see you later." He kissed her cheek and went to see about getting a pass.

"So that's Cole?" Owen asked trying not to seem jealous. 

"That's him," she smiles, "ready to take him to the OR?" she motions to the patient.

"Yeah, lets go" Owen nods, and they walk down to the OR. 

They started the surgery, and soon enough Cole showed up in the gallery. He took a seat next to Meredith because she was familiar. "Long time no see," he said with a smile. 

"Cole?" Meredith smiled, "How are you?" 

"I'm good. Yourself?" he asked.

"I'm good," she smiles, "I keep telling Cristina I want to have a dinner or something to celebrate her coming back. Then she can introduce you to some more of her friends." 

"Speaking of friends," Cole asked, "Cristina introduced me to Dr. Hunt today, is that who I think it is?"

Mer nodded, "that would be her ex husband." Cole got a semi worried expression on his face but tried to hide it. He looked down at Cristina and couldn't help but smile when he saw how her eyes lit up in surgery. 

When the surgery was over Cole walked down to the scrub room and waited outside for Cristina, "You did great, babe," he smiled.  

"Thank you," she smiled and kissed his cheek, then Owen came out of the scrub room. 

"Not too shabby, Hunt" Cole said.

"Thank you, Dr. Turner" Owen forced a smile. 

"I've gotta get going," Cole smiled and kissed Cristina's head, then shook Owen's hand, "Nice to meet you." With that, Cole was gone.

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