It's Not a Choice

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The next morning, Cristina pulled her suitcase out the door of her bedroom quietly as to not to wake Cole. She had done so almost successfully until the wheel slipped and she dropped it. "Shit," she whispered to herself hoping it hadn't woken him, but much to her disappointment she heard his voice.

"Need some help?" He smiled, and sat up in the bed turning so that his feet were on the ground.

"I didn't mean to wake you," she said wholeheartedly.

"I would've been upset if you had left and not said goodbye," he walked towards her and kissed her.

She smiled, "it's only a few days."

"An hour is too long, Cristina," he smiled and picked her suitcase up and began to walk down the stairs. "You're sure you don't want me to come with you?"

"As much as I'm going to miss you, you have so much to do and Alex is coming with me, I'll be okay." She glanced out the window and saw her cab had arrived. "I should go," she smiled and kissed him and began to open the door.

She felt his hand grab her wrist and gently pull her closer to him. He kissed her long and hard, "I love you, Cristina."

"I love you too," she smiled, and she got that feeling in the pit of her stomach again.

"Call me when you land?" He asked.

"Of course," an with that she was out the door and opening the cab door. She sat down and got situated.

"Where to?" The cab driver asked.

"Grey Sloan Memorial," Cristina replied. She sat patiently as she waited to arrive at the hospital to get Alex. They were a block away from the hospital when she heard her phone ring. It was Alex.

"Sofia has appendicitis, I can't leave Robbins hanging," he said.

"We can leave after?" She asked.

"I should probably stick around, just in case. Can Mer go with you?"

"I guess she could, but I'd hate to ask her to leave her kids for that long."

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind, you all used to do everything together."

"Yeah," Cristina sighed, "she just has Maggie and Amelia now. I'm not mad, I'm the one who left, and I know she'd be there in a heartbeat, I just don't think I fit into her dynamic with them, is all. I can go alone, it might be nice to get away."

"If anything changes I'll catch the next flight. I left the research you gave me to read over in your locker. I have to go, but don't have too much fun without me, alright?"

"Of course not," Cristina laughed, "thanks, Alex." She hung up the phone just as they reached the hospital. "I'll just be a minute," she told the cab driver.

She walked into the hospital and towards the attending lounge to get the papers Alex had left for her. When she opened the door she immediately saw Owen, missing a shirt. It appeared that he has just showered and was getting dressed. She saw the beads of water on his chest, and bit her lip. She loved the way his hair curled on the ends when it was wet. Seeing him there, like that, made every thing around her freeze.

"You look awfully nice to be coming in to work," Owen said. Still lost in lust, his words didn't register with her. He walked closer to her, and laughed. He looked around to make sure no one was in sight and kissed her.

"Owen!" She glanced around and pushed him back. "We're in public!" she exclaimed but quietly.

"I made sure no one was around, but the way you're standing there biting your lip and looking at be was obvious."

She shook her head, "don't get so cocky, I wasn't looking at you," her face blushed.

He shook his head and laughed, moving closer to er and whispering in her ear "I know you, Cristina. You wanted me to pin you against the wall right here."

She bit her lip again and began to breathe heavy. She pushed him back, "maybe you're right, but I'm married." He hated hearing her say those words, it was his fault for letting her go and he regretted it more than anything. "I have a plane to catch, I need to go."

"A plane?" Owen asked.

"I'm flying to St. Ambrose to get some work in on the research project I've been working on."

"You have 3 Harper Averys, what else could you possibly have up your sleeve?"

"You'll just have to see," she walked over to her locker to find the papers missing, "Dammit, Alex."

"What's wrong?"

"Alex was supposed to come with me, but now he can't and he locked my papers in his locker." She walked over to his locker and began trying combinations.

"Is Cole going?"

"No, he has a lot on his plate right now." She wiggled the lock and managed to get the door open.

"Is Meredith? Callie? Anyone?" He began to get worry in his voice, knowing how she hated to fly.

"Just me," she paused, "but I'll be okay."

"I'm coming with you."

"No, Owen," she put the papers in her bad, "that's a bad idea."

"I didn't ask, I'll fly back after you get there but I'm not going to let you fly alone."


"It's not optional, Cristina

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