i'll tag along

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"All passenger's with a first class boarding pass can begin boarding flight 272," Cristina heard the flight attendant announce over the intercom. She stood up and looked at Owen.

"You don't have to do this, Owen. I've flown by myself numerous times before."

"You don't enjoy it," he stood up to follow her.

"I don't enjoy a lot of things, but I manage. You're just wasting your money, and your time."

"My time and money are never wasted on you."

Cristina sighed, all she could think about was Cole.

"What's the matter?" Owen asked her.

"I'm married, this is wrong." Owen began to speak but she silenced him. "He's here."

"That was ominous," Owen looked around confused. Just then he saw Cole with a suitcase.

"Cole?" Cristina smiled at him, "what are you doing here?"

"You left your lucky scrub cap on the sink, and I couldn't get ahold of you."

"So you packed a bag?" she laughed nervously.

"No," he chuckled, "I called Alex and he told me he wasn't coming, so I knew I couldn't leave you." Then he saw Owen.

He glanced at Owen and then Cristina confused. Owen knew he had to say something, "When Alex had to stay, I figured I could use his ticket to come see this research so I could start the process of getting the board to approve it being done at Grey Sloan."

Cristina nodded, "I didn't want you to get your hopes up for me."

"That's wonderful, Cris." Cole looked at Owen, "are you not staying?"

"I uhm, I checked my bag."

"Well I took off work, and I know three is a crowd, but I'd like to tag along if you don't mind," he smiled at Cristina.

"Of course!" She smiled and took his hand, "We were just about to board."

Owen followed them, knowing he was in for the most awkward plane ride of his life.

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