It's Fine

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Cristina finally made her way back to the hotel room, and opened the door to see Cole sitting on the bed with a room service menu out. "I was wondering what time you'd be back, I was just about to call." He smiled at her and tossed the menu her way, "tell me what you want, and I'll call and order." She held the menu, and opened it without saying anything. "Is everything alright, Cris?"

She wasn't sure how to respond. This was what she hated most, lying to him. He had no clue what she had just done, or what she'd been doing for weeks now, he just kept loving her. "Yeah, sorry I'm just distracted. I'll just take a burger and fries."

"Did things go okay with Dr. King?"

"Yeah, Charlotte is great, it was a lot to take in but I think she and I are going to get along really nicely." She forced a small smile, "I'm gonna go shower before the food gets here."

"Alright, I'll give you a head start before I order it so it doesn't get cold."

She smiled, and felt pain in her stomach, she did not want things to be like this. She wanted to go back to Switzerland where Owen wasn't around and things were less complicated. "I'll just be a minute." She grabbed her phone, and her bag of toiletries and a change of clothes. She went into the bathroom and immediately turned the water on, as soon as there was noise to drown it out she began to cry again.

She was about to step into the shower when she heard her phone buzz, so she wrapped back up in a towel and grabbed it to check.

It was a text from Owen that read, "I think I'm going to head back home." She swiped the notification open and began to type, "That's probably best." She sent the text, and her heart sank. She got into the shower, and stood under the hot water for a long time. Her mind was in so many places, and she allowed it to roam, losing track of time.

"Babe?" She heard Cole yell into the bathroom, "the food is here."

"I'll just be another minute," she yelled back.

"Alright," he closed the door and went back into the room to wait. Cristina quickly washed her hair and body, and got dressed. When she opened the door Cole was waiting at the table, food still untouched.

"You didn't have to wait to eat," she said as she walked to the table and took a seat across from him.

"I don't mind at all," he turned and opened the mine fridge, pulling out a bottle of red wine. "I figured we'd celebrate, since the last time we stayed in a hotel was our honeymoon."

She laughed a little, still on edge, "that can't be true."

"We've both gone places separately, but we've been so busy we haven't gone anywhere together. We'll have to change that."

She nodded and poured herself a glass of wine, "so where are we going next?"

"You know," he chuckled, "I've always wanted to drink my way around Epcot in Disney World."

"Of course," Cristina jokingly rolled her eyes, "I guess I could get behind that."

"Where would you want to go?"

"I think somewhere more tropical like Bora Bora, or Aruba."

"I can't say spending a day with you in a beach cabana doesn't sound like heaven."

She chuckled nervously and took a bite of food. "We could always take a trip for Christmas and Hanukkah this year. You know, spend the money we would on gifts on the trip."

"I like that idea." They both continued to eat and to talk, and Cristina eventually fell back into the comfort she felt when he was around. After a whole bottle of wine and the day she had had she was ready to go to sleep, but her phone rang again. Cole tossed it to her from across the room, "it's Alex."

She caught it and nodded, "I'm going to step out in the hall." He nodded and kissed her cheek as she walked out the door.

"Did Owen go with you to L.A.?" Alex ask as soon as she answered the call.

"He did, but he's on the way back now."

"So you flew to Los Angeles with your husband, and your ex husband who you're banging."

"Was banging," she said defeated.

"So you're done?"

"I think so. I don't know, Alex. Things are so messy and complicated."

"You've got more self control than I thought, Yang. Owen's like your kryptonite. I thought for sure you'd come back here and end up back together with him."

"That's what I feel like I should be doing, but I don't think that's fair to Cole. I don't know. I'm starting to think coming back to work here was the biggest mistake I could've made."

"I can't imagine what you're going through, I don't know what I'd do if Izzie showed up out of the blue."

"You'd stay with Jo. No contest."

"You're right, but I was trying to make you feel better."

"Tell me what to do, Alex."

"I can't do that, but I can tell you that I'm here. I know Cole and I are good friends, but I'm always on your side."

"Thanks, evil spawn."

"It's late, and it sounds like you've had quite the day. I'll let you go, and I'll see you when you come back, drinks on me."

"Sounds good."

She hung the phone up and came back into the hotel room to find Cole in bed on his laptop. Without saying anything, she curled up next to him and had nearly fallen asleep when she felt his lips on her temple, and heard him gently whisper, "I love you."

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