owen's realization

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Owen walked back to his office and sat down, he hated Cole Turner. He hated him for no other reason than he had Cristina. He sat confused about his feelings, and began to do paperwork. After sitting for several minutes unable to think he gave up. "Damn it," he sat back and thought, I have Amelia, I'm happy with Amelia, why does this bother me so much? He sighed and walked down to the cafeteria where he saw Cristina sitting with Bailey on her lap, talking to Meredith and Zola. He sat down at another table and tried to ignore them, but he kept hearing her laugh and he'd glance over longingly. She got a page, and walked passed him smiling. He watched as she walked off to her patient, and then sighed.

"Are you okay?" April asked as she sat down next to him.

"Me? I'm fine," he said.

"Owen... I saw all of that. You're not fine."

"Saw what? There wasn't anything to see."  He denies.

"Okay, if you say so..."April said with a shrug.

"I met her husband," Owen said with a sigh, "and I hate him."

"Is he not a good guy?" April asked.

"He's a great guy," Owen looked up at April who sat with a confused look on her face, "but he has her, and that makes me hate him. As much as I want to like him, I can't."

April put a hand on his back, "What about Amy?"

"I love Amy, I do,  but she's not Cristina..."

"She's married, Owen," April said and looked at him sympathetically. She and Owen had become so close after their time together in Jordan.

"I know, I know," he sighed. He got up to go check on his patients and bumped into Cristina dropping his charts.

She chuckled and bent down to pick them up, "watch it, Hunt" she joked.

"I'm sorry," he forced a laugh, "I guess I'm distracted" he smiled.

"Everything alright?" she asked concerned.

He caught a glimpse of her name tag that read, 'Dr. Cristina Turner' and his heart sank, but he forced a smile and said, "everything's fine."

She smiled and he watched as she walked off, her curly black hair bouncing. He loved her, and she was really gone this time.

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