Little Things

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OK, sorry it has been so long I have been at camp and all that. I hope you like this chapter. But before we get started I would like to recommend a book to those who like horror stories.

Yusuke's POV

We all sat in shock, but as Aki walked away we quickly started discussing her. It was like a bunch of school girls gossiping at lunch. This was boy talk though, so we told Ema to keep away for a minute. Ema ended up walking to her room.

"She is pretty awesome," Tsubaki said.

"Agreed, and by that, I hope we don't cause her trouble." Azusa followed in complete suspicion.

"What do you mean by that?" Masaomi asked.

"You mean the whole falling in love thing?" Tsubaki asked.

"Ha! Who would fall for her?" Subaru was completely rude about it.

Louis was suddenly curious about that comment.

"Why don't you like Ki-chan?"

Subaru turned his gaze away.

"Why? Do you like her?"

Louis was quiet but decided to be honest.

"I have worked with her for a while, and she is one of the sweetest girls I met. Yes, I do love her and I will protect her heart from those who decide to break it. I didn't even know they were sisters until now. She never said her last name."

"Heh. Must run in the family." Tsubaki chuckled.

"Well, then its settled." Kaname cut in. "Our goal is to make her at home. The girl has been through enough."

I was confused, but in the end, I knew it was a competition. I also had taken an interest, but it was only because she was attractive. Yes, she was kind and great with kids, but I just met her. The others were probably just excited that another girl moved in. More sister time for them I guess. I can't believe that she was my favorite artist! We will see how this will go. Then I thought about Ema. She was my crush for as long as I could remember. Part of the reason I went to school every day. I wish I could tell her how I feel without getting flustered.

'Aww! Come on really!?!' I thought to myself.

Now that I think about it, everyone liked Ema too. With another female in the house, this was going to get interesting.

Azusa's POV

I'm glad everyone seems to like her. Having her around will be heavenly, I'm sure of it. She just talked to me once, but you can tell that she has a way with people. Maybe she just doesn't realize it. I hope she enjoys her stay here because the others can get a little rowdy. Aki can probably handle it, but I can't help but worry. 

Subaru's POV

Why does everyone here like her? The girl does seem nice, but Ema might end up giving all her attention to her. Yes, I understand that Aki is her sister, but Ema never mentioned her. There is something weird about her, but I can't tell what it is. Might as well keep an eye on her.

Kaname's POV

Aki is such a radiant person. I bet she would look even better with fancy clothes on. She is so innocent just like her sister, maybe I can play with her a little, just to help break her shell. Who knows? Maybe she will fall for me.

Loris POV

She's a beautiful girl and I truly wish her the best. Living here might be a scary experience for her, so I want to make sure she feels welcome. I always thought the female company was nice and now there are two girls living here. I would love to get to know her better.

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