A dance that will always be remembered

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Not only will this story include Tamaki, but the next two chapters are going to include Kaname and lori. Let's see how it goes.

Aki's POV

As I danced with Kaname I couldn't help, but think about my dance with Tamaki.

"You look beautiful," Kaname said.

"Oh, I'm not as beautiful as Em-" I tried to say.

"Both of you are very beautiful, even if it were without the cute outfits."

I blushed.

Kaname dipped me and his mouth became very close to my ear. In a low whisper he said.

"I would really like to see you without one."

That made me uncomfortable. He pulled me back up when the song had ended. "Please don't tease me like that," Aki commented. Kaname was surprised by this response, but to him, she became a little more irresistible. Next was lori, dancing with him was much more graceful, but we were silent.

"Well... Say something." I had to break this silence.

"Um... You look beautiful." He replied.

"There you go... See how easy that was?" I mocked.
"You don't have to act shy around me."

Lori smiled which drew out my smile.

"I can see why everyone likes you."

I was a bit confused, so I didn't say anything.

"Maybe we should get to know each other better. One to one."

"Wouldn't that be called a date?" I mocked again.

Was I actually flirting!?!

"No... More like a brother and sister get together, unless..."

I lightly hit his shoulder as we danced, but agreed with the brother and sister get together. The dance was just about over and I finally got to dance with Tamaki. The song; Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran started to play. We danced like pros, laughing as we danced. We danced together a lot as kids. We always had so much fun. I could tell some couples were jealous. In the middle of the song, I laid my head on his shoulder and linked my free hand with his.

Tamaki's POV

"Thank you," I said in her ear.

"For what?" She asked.

"For always being there even when you were away, and for the best birthday ever."

I turned my head and kissed her on the cheek, I saw her ears turn a bright pink, it was adorable. The song finished. There was a moment where our eyes locked. I raised my hand to her cheek and softly held it there. I continued to look into her eyes. It was clear to me, I loved her.

"Aki I have been wanting to tell you this for a while."

She looked up at me with curiosity.

"Aki I... I lo-" I was cut off.

Aki's POV

Tamaki was about to tell me something that seemed important, but the crowd in the background had interrupted him.

I listened in once more.

"What did you want to tell me?"

"Nothing important." He replied.

I walked with him to the punch bowl and stood there sipping from my cup. Tamaki saw a friend of his and went off to talk with him. Ema was dancing with Azusa and Tsubaki as Louis talked on the phone. Kaname somehow managed to creep up on me and scare me. It made me spill my punch all over him. That was when we all decided it was time we headed home. I said goodbye to Tamaki and agreed to dance with him again sometime. Once we were home, everyone went to their rooms for lights out. I went with Kaname to help him clean up his shirt. I grabbed a towel from his nearby dresser and turned toward Kaname. I just handed him the towel. Although I didn't show it, I was scared being alone in his room after the comment he made earlier. Kaname with his shirt off started to dry himself. I turned to the door to leave but froze when I heard Kaname's voice.

"You are leaving so soon?"

"Yes, its time for bed," I replied.

"Why don't you sleep in my bed tonight?"

"What!?! No, I couldn't that would be-" I stopped myself thinking of the night with Yusuke. 'Damn.' 

"Wrong?" Kaname interrupted. "No... No, we are brother and sister."

There was that phrase again, were they all going to use that to get to me somehow?

"It's not wrong unless I do this!"


Kaname had thrown me onto the bed and leaped on top of me. He held me down while looking me in the eye. His blonde hair hung over my face and his face was so close. My heart beat faster and faster. All that I was worried about, was about to happen. What was I supposed to do? I shifted my leg to hit him in the gut, but he held it down. Kaname smirked, as his mouth touched my neck. I laid there scared. He lightly started to kiss up my neck until his jaw was aligned to my ear. I closed my eyes tightly and waited for what he was about to do. I felt helpless.

"This is what I was talking about... You fell for it didn't you?" Kaname backed up to let me sit up, but I had to lay there for a second.

"You... You scared me half to death!" I said as a random tear dropped to the floor.

Kaname looked at me and started to regret doing what he just did. He walked silently over and sat down next to me. His gaze fell on me. He was suddenly serious.

"It was supposed to be a joke... When I do that to other girls they seem to flip out and say how much they loved it."

"Well I'm not like those girls, neither is Ema. That really scared me, a girl is stupid to enjoy that."

Kaname stayed calm and remained silent. He grabbed my wrist again and embraced me with a hug. I was very surprised. His bare skin was warm and he smelt that of cologne. I knew I blushed a little, but I felt comfortable just sitting there. I don't know, maybe I am too forgiving, but I knew he wasn't trying to hurt me. All of today made me so tired, so I fell asleep in his arms without realizing.

Kaname's POV

I laid Aki down and covered her up. I sat there admiring how cute she was. I was really interested in her now, she has a way with people. Aki and Ema are so alike. I wonder what makes us drawn to them? That was beyond me, they probably didn't even know. I curled up next to her and held her close.

"I won't let you go." I whispered.

She smelt like velvet sugar which made me want to hold her tighter. She had taught me something. Maybe without her realizing it. With that, I fell asleep. The next morning I awoke to Aki's sleeping face; I smiled. She made me happy in every way. I got up slowly, not wanting to wake her up. Cautiously, I carried Aki to her room. Then left in silence.

Question time

1. Who do you think she will end up with so far?

2. Would you be scared if that happened to you? I would be.

Please comment and ask any questions you have I will answer them.

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