Another One

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Sorry, it's been long, but I still am updating. The hairstyle and makeup I mention in the first few paragraphs are the same in the picture above. Enjoy :)
*A day later*

Aki's POV

Today was the day of my dad's party. I couldn't wait to meet my new mother. Hikaru's face was so priceless when he saw the studio. He said and I quote...

"What celebrity do you work for!?!"

And I said...

"Me! I'm the famous celebrity that they have called Slay Marie and it's a secret at the moment so don't tell anyone."

The look on his face was hilarious! Of course, I told him the other brothers knew, so if he wanted to talk about it then he could go to them. Yesterday Fuuto and I worked and then after I played with Wataru. Nothing that special.

I awoke to another sunny morning. Today I was going to hang with Louis and Masaomi. It was great because I needed Louis to help me get ready and I knew he would be more than happy to do it. I ran downstairs and sat on the couch, I needed to relax while I waited for Louis. Louis walked from his room and sat beside me. He told me to stay still while he grabbed a makeup case from behind the couch. I closed my eyes as he applied the shadowy eye-shadow that was alined with eyeliner and mascara. He continued by putting a light pink tinted lipstick on my lips and applied the light rose blush. After the makeup, we quietly made our way to his room where a curling iron was heated and ready to be used. I sat at Louis's vanity that was covered with many hair tools and products and he began. My brother curled my hair into loose curls and arranged my hair to form a very loose bun that had strands of hair laying beyond my left shoulder. My bangs laid to the right of my face, but not a single hair was out of place. Ema soon came in with a shocked look.

"Nii-san you look beautiful!"

I gave her my thanks and went back to getting ready. Next was the dress that I  slipped on and it had fit perfectly. I knew I looked beautiful without looking into a mirror. Next was Ema, Louis had done her makeup and hair. She also slipped on her dress and I couldn't believe how beautiful she was. I thought she was prettier than me. I scratched my neck and thought about something I was forgetting. I ran to my room and hurried back with something in my hands. I motioned Louis to help me put it on and he took it. Something was missing from this outfit and I believe that I had found the required piece... Lori's necklace. The diamond wings of the butterfly glistened under the LED lights of the vanity, it went perfectly. All three of us walked into the living room to Masaomi, Yusuke, and Ukyo. All of them blushed at the sight of us girls and Ema and I looked away. Those people were the only ones who were going, but we were also picking Tamaki up along the way. Of course, I invited him, we might be able to dance together again. Either the others didn't want to go or they seriously couldn't. All three were wearing fancy clothing, but I won't go into details... just imagine it XD. I will say this though, they were hotter than hot.

We sat in the outstretched limo. Inside was the best part, wine glasses, LED lights, comfy cushions, it seemed like one giant party in a car. The limo slowed as we made our way toward Tamaki's house. He was waiting outside with an earbud in one ear and an iPod in his hand. He was also wearing fancy clothes, but you can imagine the outfit however you want. I will just say this, he was also hotter than hot. As he opened the car door a gloomy mood set in. I dragged him over next to me so I didn't have to plan a funeral in the near future.
The drive was long, but we managed to get there ten minutes after it started. We all got out slowly and with smiles plastered on our faces. I couldn't wait to meet my new stepmother, but I started to fill my head with doubts. I stopped and looked at the ground. Everyone else came back up to me with worried expressions.

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