The Last Apology

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Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this chapter :) It is getting close to the end of the book.

Why... Why did you fall for it? I can't understand it. Why are you becoming so trusting? You were independent, why not just keep doing your dancing and mixes. You loved it too. Now your completely out of focus, what is happening? I know you're changing, but for all, we know your different; you have always been. This is completely torturing you. This life stresses you out so much, how could anyone live like this, it's like you being afraid of the night sky. It's that bad. You need a break... or something else. Death? No that's too crazy, we're not suicidal. What about a vacation? Yeah, that's it. Now I won't go insane, Help me help me...

"Help me!" I screamed as I awoke.

"The voices are back." I whispered to myself.

I couldn't get rid of them, they were just there. Since I was a little girl I always had the same voice; sometimes my own, talking inside my head. He would always say something different, terrifying, but it wasn't as if it were random. They came whenever I was upset or if something was about to happen, I'm talking from personal experience. I carefully got out of bed, this way I could make sure I wasn't going to die. I fixed up my bed and slowly tiptoed my way to the door. I remembered what happened yesterday and was prepared for either sensitivity toward my feelings, or hardcore anger. I walked through the halls and made my way to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. Apparently, Ukyo had beaten me to it. I didn't look at the blonde for I didn't want to talk. If he wanted to talk, I would've just sat there and listened. He said nothing until I left the kitchen and sat down at the table with some toast and a glass of orange juice. As I sat at the table I looked down while eating, the silence was definite. Ukyo walked out of the kitchen and hung up his apron. The man looked at me for a few seconds but then approached with a note in his hand. He motioned for me to take it and I did. It read:

Good Morning Aki,
I understand that you don't want to talk about what happened and that is alright with me. If at anytime you want to talk, I'm here. I have left a treat with your name on it in the fridge to replace the so-called breakfast you are eating. It's your favorite, enjoy. :)
your big brother.

I looked up at Ukyo and his glasses gleamed. He had a gentle look and a small grin.

"Thank you." I said with a soft voice.

Ukyo didn't say a word, but I got the hint from the kiss that he had planted on my forehead. I felt my cheeks burn a little as Ukyo walked out of the room. It felt nice at first, but I somehow ended up thinking about that voice again. What did it all mean? I haven't had this voice talk to me since before I arrived here. Maybe I will think better if I had something to eat. Not realizing I was hungry just made me even hungrier. I was slowly walking to the fridge, still trying to be very careful. Opening the fridge I noticed a plate wrapped in tinfoil. This also had my name written on it, so I picked it up and set it on the counter. I grabbed a fork and unwrapped the plate of food. It was my favorite, strawberry swirled cheesecake with whipped cream and fresh strawberries on top. I jumped with glee and quickly dug in. My mouth watered as the creamy cake engulfed my taste buds. My favorite thing about it was the strawberry. I didn't know why, but maybe it was because of the taste, or the red color. I sat back down at the table with the plate and continued to stuff my face. I heard the door open and I sat still, while I slowly chewed. The redhead Yusuki and Fuuto walked in arguing as usual.

"Hi, Aki." Yusuke had said.

I said hello back, but kept quiet to Fuuto. He didn't apologize yet. I assumed, he was in a very bad mood. It might be because he was mad about what happened between Taka and I. He kept himself quiet for a few seconds and somehow we were caught in an extreme stare down.

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