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After a moments thought, I decided to go for it.

"It couldn't be bad, could it?"

I took my phone with me just in case and quietly opened the door. I stood in the dark hallway, I couldn't see anything. I then took out my phone and turned my flashlight on. Taking a deep breath I carefully followed the trail. I followed it through the hall, up the stairs and to the door. Slowly I opened it making sure I didn't wake the sleeping Masoami on the couch. Poor Masoami, he usually worked long hours. I crept outside to the garden as the blackness of the night surrounded me. The light on my phone was kept on the trail and that's all I payed attention too. I suddenly reached the end of the trail, but there was nothing, nothing at all. The environment was too quiet. What was going on? Deciding to go back to my room and forget this whole ordeal was a good idea at the time. It wasn't until I turned back I felt a hand clasp over my mouth. I panicked, I kicked and tried to wiggle free from the unknown person's arms. I had no such luck. What the heck was going on!? The voice was trying to calm me down as if the unknown man was my brother.

"Aki...Aki, it's me... Lori." It was my brother!!

I quickly calmed down, what was he doing up so late? I started to hear more voices too.

"Who is all with you?" I asked.

The porch light was suddenly switched on and I could see Tsubaki, Azusa, Yusuke, Fuuto, and Louis.

"What are you guys all out here for?" I asked as Lori hesitantly let me go, it was as if he didn't want too.

"We are out here for you," Fuuto said with his annoying flirty tone. (It may have some weird effects on you girlies out there, but not for me.)

"And why exactly?" I asked very curious now.

I suddenly felt gloom among the group. They reminded me of evil demons. (Yes I went there.) I was actually scared to tell you the truth.

"What's this about?"

"I heard you got yourself a new boyfriend, is that true?" Tsubaki asked.

Ahh, that's what this was about.

"He isn't necessarily my boyfriend," I replied. "Why would that matter?"

They all started to get closer to me.

"You're interested though right? Right!?" Yusuke yelled.

"Why didn't you choose me!?!" Fuuto yelled. Was it just me or were they all crying somewhat?

The air felt heavy, I felt guilt overwhelm me. Why should I like one of them? Don't they want me to be happy? We are siblings after all, but they obviously didn't think the same as I did.

"It's just we don't want you to have a boyfriend!!" Lori rose his voice. I was so mad, that I argued back.

"Why!" I said. "Is it because you are selfish and want me all to yourselves!?! If I love someone, I would expect you guys to accept it, I would do the same for you!! I don't even have a boyfriend!! He's just someone I'm interested in. Even then, why can't you just be happy for me?" I ran off, tears in my eyes.

I ran into my room and slammed the door behind me. I fell onto my bed and just laid there as I thought about everything. Me moving, the kisses, the necklace? All this because of them? I loved them, but only as brothers. I stuffed my face into my pillow and let a few more tears hit the silky case. I took my laptop and messed with some of my mixes and songs. They made me feel better as I thought they would. As I started to get better, I looked up to my room, it needed some remodeling. I suddenly got to work, moving furniture and some of my electronics, I took out some of my old paintings, and some lights from a box I found underneath my bed, and strung them up. My finished product looked amazing. The lights complimented the room as if it were an actual party and the furniture arrangement made it seem cleaner and roomy. I took some of my speakers out of the bottom of my wardrobe and plugged my laptop to them. Carefully picking the song to fit my mood I turned the lights on and started dancing. The song was called Shake it off by an old friend of mine, Taylor Swift. After about one minute of dancing, I started singing and wasn't paying attention to what was happening in other areas of the room. I heard my music turn off and I quickly turned around to, Azusa. I was suddenly depressed again and sat on my bed away from him. He was part of the group who came to me with tears, I couldn't look at him right now. I heard footsteps and a little bounce to the other side of the bed.

Brothers Conflict: Their Choice (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now