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After all that happened, I walked back to my brothers all happy.

"Who was that you just kissed?" Miwa teased.

She saw!?! Apparently, the brothers saw too because they all looked like they were about to cry. I ignored them with heavy feelings and headed towards my dad.

"Did you have a good time?"

I replied with a nod.

"Yes I did, and I gained something out of it." I looked Taka's way and he smiled once he noticed.

"Well then let's get home," Ukyo said looking down.

We had made our way to the limo, with Tamaki leaning up against it. He looked up at me angrily. I didn't understand why, but neither of us said anything as we got in. I noticed nobody was talking, even Ema. I leaned over to her.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Now is not the time, Tamaki, and I will explain later."

I hated the silence, so I took my headphones out and listened to my music and mixes the rest of the way.

When we got home, I walked into my room to change. I was in my room for about an hour before I heard some talking at my bedroom door. Shadows crossed my carpet and the sent of roses filled my nose. A knock on my door made me jump and I accidentally threw my phone to the floor. The voices stopped and I slowly walked to the entrance, picking up my phone and slipping it into my pocket. I calmly opened my door to find a bouquet of roses. I looked both ways to find that no one was around, I picked up the flowers. The hallway was dark, but I noticed the trail of rosebud petals on the ground that was arranged as if they were leading me somewhere. Setting the roses in a vase I sat on my bed muttering to myself.

"Should I follow it?"


Sorry, the chapter is so short. Aki will end up following the trial in the next chapter. Let's see what happens.

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