Blue Balls

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A/N: Hey niggas ^.^

Jacob didn't know if it was on purpose or not...but he swore it was on purpose.

Chresanto was laying against the tree he usually reads at. He had a book in one hand and a sucker in the other.

Jacob watched him flip pages as he licked and moved the sucker around in his mouth.

To Jacob's eyes it looked seductive. It didn't help that Chresanto ate everything slow, so of course his licking and sucking was. Jacob was getting hot and bothered.

Chresanto looked up from his book to see Jacob staring at him. He noticed he was staring at his mouth in particular.

"You want a sucker? I have a green one in my bag. I know it's your favorite." Chresanto smiled offering sweetly.

Jacob chuckled. "I'm good."

He was glad Chresanto didn't notice why he was really staring.

Chresanto shrugged putting his candy back in his mouth.

He started the process over again.

Jacob couldn't take it. It was like he was taunting him.

"Emmanuel why did you do that?!" Chresanto gasped.

Jacob had snatched the sucker out of his mouth and flung it across the court yard.

"Bored." Jacob shrugged.

Chresanto rolled his eyes. He pulled out the second one he had.

Jacob looked to see he actually had a whole damn bag.

He watched Chresanto unwrap it and wrap his tongue around the candy to pull into his mouth.

Jacob groaned covering his face.

"Fucking stop Chres! Damn!"

Chresanto frowned. "Stop what?"
"Eating those damn suckers! It's childish as fuck!" Jacob gestured snatching his bag and the sucker in his mouth.

Chresanto snatched his bag back.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked squinting at Jacob.

Jacob hated when he made that face. He just couldn't lie when he made that face.

He sighed in embarrassment.

"Emmanuel seriously what is wrong? You have been acting strange all week. Everything I eat or do is bothersome. Not to mention you don't even like to come over anymore. Do you not want to be friends anymore?" Chresanto asked.

Jacob rolled his eyes. "Of course I want to be friends with you. It's just...nothing. I'm sorry. I'll be over today. Bye." He said quickly leaving.

Chresanto frowned. "Um...okay then apology accepted." He mumbled to himself.

Ray sighed as he spun around in Nique's blue fuzzy chair.

"I don't know Nique. Chresanto isn't the jealous type." He doubted.

"Come on everyone gets jealous!" Nique rolled her eyes as she paced back and forth in thought.

Ray watched her toss her hair from side to side. He watched her purple nails press against her chin in thought.

"Does Chresanto have any enemies?" Nique asked.

Ray laughed. "Girl no. Everyone loves him."

Zonique twisted her blue hair. Her mouth twisted upwards in thought.

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