One Hell of a Night

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Hey Niggerssss

Everything was set up.

The popcorn.

The movie.

Every thing you would possibly need for a movie night with your best friend.

Chresanto sat in front of his tv pissed. He didn't know why he was so mad. Jacob has a girlfriend now, so he can't spend all his time with him like he used to.

Chresanto was jealous. He had never been jealous before, but today was a start.

He turned to see his phone ringing. Tyler's name flashed on the screen.

Chresanto smiled.

Tonight he was going to have some fun.

The music was loud, but it seemed the volume lowered each time Chresanto downed a shot.

His classmates cheered him on.

"Maybe you should slow down." Tyler grabbed Chresanto.

Chresanto turned around. His face was flushed and hot. His chest burned from the alcohol and everyone that passed him looked like a snack. Even Tyler.

Even though Tyler looked and smelled edible, Chresanto didn't appreciate the way he grabbed him.

He pulled away from him.

"I can hold my liquor. Don't grab me like that." He told him.

Tyler was taken back. For one, with all the alcohol Chresanto had to drink you would think his speech would be incoherent, but it was fine. A slight slur hung onto his words, however that wasn't the most shocking. It was the way he handled him. It was a slight turn on.

Tyler figured to let Chresanto drink as much as he wished. He'll let him "hold his liquor". At the rate he was going he'll be holding his dick later.

Tyler smiled. "I'm sorry."

Chresanto smiled back. "It's okay."

"Another one!" He yelled out.

Everyone cheered pouring more for Chresanto to chug down.

"And then he said we would hang out. So I set up the whole living room like a movie theater. He didn't even show up. That hurt Tyler." Chresanto said chugging alcohol and hiccuping.

His eyes sat low from the blunt he was also smoking with Tyler. They had left the party an hour ago and now were just sitting in Tyler's car.

The car was parked in a secluded area. It was night.

It seemed everything was asleep. It was quiet. Only thing that was heard was Chresanto rambling about his friendship with Jacob had changed since he got a girlfriend.

Tyler was tired of hearing it.

But watching Chresanto's plump cute lips move was intriguing.

He stared at them so long his lips craved them.

His dick did too.

"Sometimes I think I'm too nice ya know?" Chresanto concluded looking over to Tyler.

Tyler nodded.

Chresanto turned his head to the side.

"Why you looking at me like that?" He asked.

Tyler smiled. "You fine."

"I know." Chresanto smiled.

Tyler chuckled. He reached over resting his hand on Chresanto's thigh.

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