Backfiring Plans

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A/N:Another one. I did not edit..too lazy.

The morning sun was what Chresanto August loved waking up to. He was an early bird. However, this morning the sun was his enemy.

Chresanto buried his face into Jacob's side trying to block out the sun. He didn't care that Jacob was shirtless. All he knew was that his head felt like an elephant was stomping on his brain repeatedly.

"I'm never drinking again." He mumbled clutching onto Jacob.

This caused him to stir.

"Damn let go." Jacob mumbled sleepily. He shoved him over a little.

"Emanuel my head hurts. Wake up." He whined.

"No. You kept me up all night." Jacob sucked his teeth turning over.

"What happened last night?" Chresanto asked. He had no rememberence of last nights events.

"You tried to rape me." Jacob sat up covering his face.

Chresanto gasped. "Emanuel I'm so sorry! It was the alchhol! Oh my gosh I'm an attempted rapist! You can press charges if you-" he was cut off from deep laughter.

"I'm just kidding." Jacob laughed.

Chresanto punched him. "Why did you do that?"

"Because your cute when you rant." Jacob sighed laying back down.

Chresanto blushed. "Your an ass."

Jacob stared at him with a soft smile.

"Why don't you have a shirt on?" Chresanto asked.

"Why don't you have pants on?" Jacob countered.

Chresanto looked under the covers to see he was indeed in his boxers.

"Seriously what the hell happened last night?" Chresanto got up going into Jacob's closet.

"You drunk spiked punch and got drunk. You danced to every song, quite slutty may I add, they played at the party. Then Tyler and me got in a fist fight-" Jacob was cut off.

"You mean Tyler and I fought." He corrected sitting next to Jacob on the bed with sweats on.

Jacob rolled his eyes.

"Anyway you didn't wanna go home, so I told Tequan to drive you home. Instead he brought you here."

Chresanto frowned. "Why did you and Tyler fight?"

"He was talking shit." Jacob shrugged.

"What do you mean?"Chresanto asked.

"You're cute when your drunk." Jacob changed the subject.

"Don't ignore my question." He glared.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." Jacob groaned.

"Can you drive me home?" Chresanto asked.

Jacob brought Chresanto down unto the bed wrapping his arms around him snoring.

"Come on." Chresanto sighed.

"No. Just stay here all day " Jacob mumbled into his neck.

"I can't." Chresanto moved his hands.

Jacob held his hands tightly with a smirk.

"Let go." Chresanto tried pulling his hands away.

"Stay the rest of the day."

"No." Chresanto tried to snatch his hands away.

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