Operation Royce

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A/N: I love this story!


It didn't make sense. It wasn't the friendship that made no sense. It was the way they portrayed it. Nothing big to the natural eye. You had to pay attention. Their actions were so quick you wouldn't even notice it. Maybe because they were best friends, but Zonnique thought differently.

"I'm telling you Jacob likes him! Why else would he care if Tyler liked him?!" she ranted to Ray.

Silently Ray agreed. Then again Zonnique Harris was known to often be wrong.

"They are not gay!" he sighed.

"Shows what you know. Jacob has no sexual preference." she smiled triumphantly.

"How do you know that?" Ray asked closing his text book.

"Okay so one time we were talking right? And I saw this really cute guy. And Jake said he was sexy before I could. So I asked him if he was gay and he said he has no sexual preference." She quickly spoke with the biggest smile.

Ray didn't quite catch what she said from her rapid talking. "Huh?"

Zonnique rolled her eyes. "I said your going to help me hook them up."

Ray smacked his lips. "Now I know you ain't say that."

"Come on Ray they need help!" She pleaded.

"You need help." He laughed.

Zonnique pouted. "Fine."

"Now who you need to be hooking up is me and Tyler." He smiled.

"Gross." She said.

Truthfully she didn't want Ray with anyone. She liked him. It was a hopeless crush, because he was gay. So she kept the information to her self.

"Your suppose to be my wingwoman!" He whined.

"I'll get you with Tyler if you help with the Royce project." She bargained.

"Deal!" He nodded eagerly.

"Wait...what does Royce stand for?" He asked her.

However, she grabbed her things jumping out her chair.

Zonnique fist pumped. "We shall start tomorrow!" She ran out of the library.

Ray shook his head. "This girl is crazy."


A/N:Who waiting for her to fuck up? Lol

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