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A/N: I love writing this!

He watched him turn every page. He watched him grab an apple an dip it in peanut butter. He reached his hand out and snatched his book.

"Give it back." Chresanto sighed.

Jacob looked at the book moving it around in his hand.

"Tell me about it." He said.

Jacob loved to hear Chresanto talk about books. He always got this light in his eye and he smiled a lot.

Chresanto turned towards him. He wrapped his oversized hoodie closer to him when a breeze came.

"It's about this girl who lives in the shadow of hee sister. No one pays attention to her. They just know her because her sister Katie is so popular. Well, one day her sister goes to the doctors because her knee has been hurting. They find out she has cancer. So, everyone takes pity on Samantha because her sister has cancer. This causes her to get noticed and she ends up losing her best friend along the way." He explained playing with his fingers.

Jacob nodded. He founded the story somewhat interesting.

Chresanto looked up with a smile.

"I don't understand why you sit here with me everyday. I mean you just sit here and watch me read. Isn't it boring?" He asked.

Jacob shook his head. "It's not boring. I like sitting with you. It makes me feel normal."

"Normal? How?" Chresanto asked scooting closer to him for warmth.

"Everyones in my face all day. They act like I'm a celebrity or something." He chuckled.

Chresanto continued to listen.

"With you...I can be myself you know? I don't have to impress you." Jacob explained.

Chresanto didn't know what else to say so he kept quiet.

Jacob reached over and grabbed his hand. He held it rubbing his thumb against it.

Chresanto snatched his hand back grabbing Jacob's instead. He stared at the white marks on his neat fingernails.

"My grandmother used to say the white marks on your nails tells how many kids you will have." Chresanto told him.

Jacob laughed a little. "So I'll have five kids?"

"I guess so." Chresanto shrugged.

"I don't even want kids." Jacob laid back against the tree trunk closing his eyes.

"Why not?" Chresanto frowned.

"I would be a horrible father." He laughed.

"No you wouldn't. You will be a phenomenal father. Any girl or guy would be lucky to marry you." Chresanto smiled.

Jacob opened his eyes with a soft smile. He licked his lips laughing a little.

"You wanna sleep over my house tonight?" Chresanto asked.

"When do I never?" Jacob smiled.


Ray paced around in his room. He didn't understand. He's liked boys all his life, but the one time he sleeps with a girl suddenly he's questioning that.


Zonnique sat in her room organizing another plan. Her mind was completly off of that night with Ray. Why dwell on it? He was drunk and it was clearly a mistake. After all he still bats for the other team.


Tyler watched Chresanto laugh and smile with Jacob. He sighed. He wished Chresanto would smile and laugh with him like that. He had to do something fast to win his heart before Jacob did.

A/N: just a small update. Yeah I know its crappy.

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