Taking Notes

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A/N: Omg I'm obsessed with writing Zonnique.

It was a shame. She was just sitting there watching them. To make it worse she was taking notes. It was more of a shame that Ray was sitting right there with her.

"Nique this is stupid!" Ray groaned.

Zonnique shushed him. "Shut up and drink your juice box."

Ray pouted sucking on his juice.

Zonnique watched with her binoculars taking notes.

As of now Chresanto was reading a book under a tree ,while Jacob sat next to him.

Jacob just watched him turn every page.

Chresanto didn't notice he was staring for he was engrossed in the book.

Zonnique pointed this out to Ray. "Look at how he's staring!"

Ray couldn't deny that was a little suspicious.

"Maybe he's reading with him?.."Ray suggeststed.

"Please. Jacob can't read." Zonnique rolled her eyes.

Ray agreed. "Your right."

Chresanto closed his book. He took out his lunch bag taking out two containers. One container withheld apples and the other one peanut butter.

He took an apple out dipping it in the peanut butter. He popped it in his mouth chewing looking around.

Jacob laughed. "You eat the same thing everyday."

Chresanto turned towards him. He swallowed.

"No I don't."

"Yes you do. Everyday you sit here eating apples and peanut butter."

"Well I like routine." Chresanto said eating more of his snack.

"Well sometimes you need change things up."

"Are you saying I'm boring?" Chresanto raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." Jacob smirked.

"I can be fun!"

"Your idea of fun is watching marathons of the Big Bang Theory." Jacob chuckled.

"That show is hilarious." Chresanto pointed out.

"Yeah but you watch it over and over again." Jacob cringed.

Chresanto just rolled his eyes eating another apple.

"One day your eyes are going to fall out." Jacob said playing with the earring on Chresanto's ear.

"Leave me alone." He said.

"Don't tell me your salty now?" Jacob whined.

"I'm not 'salty' since most of my body is made of water and sugar so It's impossible to be 'salty'." Chresanto explained.

"Oh my God." Jacob groaned.

"Don't use the Lords name in vain Emanuel." Chresanto scolded.

"Why do you like that name?" Jacob sighed exasperated.

"It sounds handsome." Chresanto smiled.

"Handsome huh? Am I handsome?" Jacob cheesed.

Chresanto looked at him. "Yes."

Jacob nodded.

"You know who is so cute?" Jacob asked.

"Who?" Chresanto asked.

Stupidly in Love(Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora