It's a Bonfire

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A/N: Cut the lights out...I'm burning everything you mother fuckers talk about...summer camp bitch.


Chresanto stood around off to the side. He slightly moved to the music playing, but didn't get on the dance floor to dance. That was more of Jacob's thing. Speaking of him he had left Chresanto hanging. Again.

This didn't really bother Chresanto much. Jacob had always done this, but he wished Jacob would just keep his promises for once. He was pulled from his thoughts when someone bumped him.

"What up?" Tyler greeted.

Chresanto waved a little. "Sup."

Tyler sipped on his red cup. "Why you by yourself?"

Chresanto shrugged. He didn't feel like being around Tyler after Jacob explained what his true intentions were.

"Who you come with?" Tyler asked.

"Jacob." he mumbled playing with his shirt.

Tyler noticed this. He smirked because he was making Chresanto nervous. Only it wasn't the kind of nervous he thought.

"You wanna..uh go someplace to talk? It's a little loud around here." he said touching Chresanto's arm.

Chresanto flinched a little. "Uh..n-nah. I'm good you know? Just enjoying this good ass music." he stuttered.

Tyler looked at him weirdly. Why was he talking so loud? He figured it was a nervous habit.

"I can get you some punch." Tyler offered.

Chresanto shook his head. "Nah I heard it got spiked."

Tyler sighed a little. He was trying his best to get him alone, but it seems his attempts weren't working.

"Well I got some soda in my car. Promise It's not spiked." Tyler grinned.

Chresanto was thirsty, but Jacob told him not to go anywhere alone with Tyler... but he was nice. So what he was gay? Maybe he really did just want to talk.

"Sure." Chresanto smiled.

"Alright come on." Tyler said grabbing his wrist.

Chresanto pulled from his grasp. Tyler gave a look.

"Hurt my wrist earlier this week." he lied.

"Oh ok." Tyler believed leading the way to his car.

Chres sighed in releif. Good thing he's stupid too.


Jacob looked around for Chresanto. He couldn't find him anywhere.

"Yo man relax. He probably hangin with some hot chicks." Ray nudged him.

Jacob rolled his eyes. "Please..He can barely tell when someones flirting with him."

"I know! It's so cute!" Zonnique gushed.

"I'm calling him." Jacob said whipping out his phone.

"Jacob in daddy mode." Ray snikered.

Jacob ignored him. Finally the phone was picked up.

"Chresanto where the hell are you?"

"Oh hey Emanuel. Just hanging with Tyler." He said nonchalantly.

"Your what?! I told you to stay away from him!"

"Stay away from who?" Zonnique whispered.

Ray shrugged.

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