Murder On My Mind

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"Can you guys please not do this." Chresanto begged.

Currently, Jacob was polishing his gun as he sat at Chresanto's desk. His hair was braided back into cornrows and he wore a white wife beater and jeans.

He ignored Chresanto loading bullets into the gun.

Ray and Nique were taking turns swinging at each other practicing.

While Tequan was in the corner pacing back and forth fuming.

"Nerve of that nigga! And to think I shared my weed with him!" He yelled punching his fist into his palm.

Chresanto jumped at the yelling. His nerves were beginning to get worse. From Jacob messing around with a deadly weapon and Tequan yelling threats he was a nervous wreck.

"Everyone can you please stop..the police said they'll handle it.." He weakly said.

Jacob placed the gun down with a sigh. He looked at Chresanto and the murder he had his eyes faded away once he saw the condition Chresanto was in. He went over to the bed and brought him into a hug.

"Chresanto it's been two days and nothing has been done. We can't wait any longer. You don't want him to do this to anyone else right?" Jacob asked softly caressing his cheek.

Chresanto shook his head. A tear rolled down his face. He quickly wiped it away. He was tired of crying. He just wanted to cuddle in bed with Jacob instead of watching him polish a gun.

"No I don't. If you're going to do this can you not bring the gun?" Chresanto begged holding Jacob's face in his hands.

Jacob sighed looking down.

"How about this...we give the cops one more day to find Tyler. If they don't then you know what I have to do."

"Emmanuel you don't have to do this. They'll find him." Chresanto said staring in Jacob's eyes.

Jacob leaned in and kissed him. The kiss was short and sweet, but it made Chresanto feel slightly better.

They pulled away when they heard someone clear their throat and a squeal.

"Um what was that?" Ray asked shocked.

"Did you niggas just kiss?" Tequan smirked with his arms crossed.

Nique jumped up and down screaming into her hand.

Chresanto blushed.

"Um hello! Y'all got together and didn't tell us?!" Ray shouted with his hands on his hips.

Jacob scratched the back of his head looking at Chresanto.

"Um.." he trailed off.

Chresanto fiddled with his fingers. He didn't know what to say. This was too much going on at one time. Were him and Jacob more than best friends now? Friends with benefits?

Technically, Jacob still had a girlfriend if we were being honest. He frowned at the thought.

He sighed. "I don't know. Can we talk about this later?"

The group decided to let it go. Chresanto seemed stress and they didn't want to add anymore weight on him.

Jacob put his gun down. He left out the room with his phone in hand silently.

Chresanto looked after him. He wondered if he had said something wrong.

The wind blew through the window. The cool summer air settled in Chresanto's room. He was laid across his bed with the covers off looking at the ceiling.

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