The Game

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A/N: Jacob plays football and he runs track just letting you know. Well hope you like it.

It was down to the last play. All they had to do was make a touchdown and they win. Chresanto held his book in his lap watching Jacob intensely.

The team captain's breath was labored as he stared down the opposing team. Jacob moved the guard around in his mouth. He got in position as the call was called. Everyone dispersed as the ball was passed around. Then the ball finally was thrown his way. Jacob ran like lightning towards the ball catching it.

"Go Emanuel! Run!" Chresanto screamed jumping up dropping his book.

Ray and Nique were shaking the gate screaming at the top of their lungs.

The crowd was on their feet cheering their team on.

Jacob breathed as he ran towards the in zone. Just as he was almost there he was tackled.

Everyone groaned screaming for him to get up.

"You can do this Emanuel." Chresanto mumbled watching closely.

Jacob struggled to get up still clutching the ball. His eyes were fixed on making the touchdown. When he finally got up he ran with the opposing team hot on his tail.

He spun around when someone tried to tackle him making them fall.

"Go Emanuel!"Chresanto cheered loudly.

Everyone looked at him for he was the loudest one.

"What yall bitches looking at?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Run faster!" Ray yelled.

"Run you high yella monkey!" Nique yelled shaking the gate.

Jacob ran with a smile on his face as the crowd breathed in anticipation.

Just as Jacob was about to make it he was tackled.

"You asshole!" Chresanto yelled.

"Fucking fag!" Ray growled.

"Suck my dick!" Nique screamed.

"You don't have a dick..."Cassie frowned.

Nique just glared at her. Cassie put her hands up in surrender.

Jacob got up but held the football up in victory. They had made the touchdown. His hand with the ball made it to the in zone when he was tackled.

Cheers erupted through out the stadium.

"Yes!" Chresanto jumped.

Jacob was douging with the ball. His team rushed to him immediately lifting him up. They screamed and cheered. They even drenched him in Gatorade.

The opposing team shook their hands walking off solemnly.

The gates were let open allowing the crowd to disperse.

Ray and Zonnique ran full speed to Jacob hugging him in congrats.

"Bruh that spin was dope!" Ray gushed.

"You won the last game of the season!" Nique squealed.

Jacob smiled. "Well if it wasn't for these guys we wouldn't have."

His teammates smiled whooping setting him down.

"Who are we?!" Jacob screamed.

"Beast!" They answered jumping around shoving each other.

Chresanto pushed through the crowd with his novel clutched in his hand.

When he saw Jacob he ran to him embracing him.

Jacob wrapped his arms around him causing Chresanto to lift up from the ground a little.

Chresanto's arms were wrapped around his neck. For a moment he didn't mind that Jacob was wet and smelt of Gatorade. He was just really proud of his best friend.

"Told you I'm good luck." Chresanto pulled back with a smile.

"Yeah you are." Jacob grinned.

"To the after party!" Tequan announced.

Everyone cheered back to the locker rooms.

"I'll see you at the party right?" Jacob asked Chresanto holding his helmet.

"Maybe." Chresanto smiled walking away with his book.

Jacob just stared after him.

Zonnique and Ray quietly squealed to each other.

Jacob farewelled to them walking to the locker room.

A/N: well just a little something because I got stuff to do this weekend or maybe not I don't know lol :) <3 also ik i got football terminology wrong so just look over it.

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