Hand Holding and Accidently Fucking Your Best Friend

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Hand Holding and Accidently Fucking Your Best Friend in Your Sleep.

Riley took in a deep breath as she pulled her hair up into a messy, curly, ponytail. The brunette stared into her vanity mirror as she tried to convince herself into liking Lucas, sure he was nice, and charismatic... But Riley couldn't feel that spark when she held his hand, or when they kissed, or when he held her. Riley closed one of her eyes and applied eyeliner almost with no effort on her part, the brunette's mind was flashing up images from her dream last night. The brunette tried to shake the images away but all she could see was Maya's lips against her breasts and all she could feel was her stomach twisting and turning as she finished putting her make up on. I am Riley Matthews, 11th grade student and I am straight. She thought to herself, squinting her eyes as she tried to believe that statement, she readjusted her ponytail to make it look thicker.

"Riley! Maya's here." Topanga called out from their kitchen.

Riley got up and ran faster than she'd like to admit, so she stopped right before her door and took a couple deep breaths to seem like she was cool about Maya being here. The brunette wrapped her hand around the door knob and opened it slowly and walked out casually to the dining table after closing the door behind her.

"You look beautiful Riles." Maya said, not noticing the hitch in Riley's breath as she said so.

So do you.

"Thanks. You look nice yourself. Breakfast smells great mom, what is it?" Riley said and sat down next to Maya, adjusting her dress so it wasn't swallowing her up as she sat down. In the mess of fabric she felt Maya's hand on her tan thigh, Riley felt her heart skip a beat and she forgot to breathe during the short moment before Maya's hand found her own. It was only an accident, calm down a little. She's just a friend.

"Apple Cinnamon Pancakes." Her mom said happily and served Maya, Riley, and herself some and sat down.

"Looks delicious Mrs. Matthews." Maya said with a huge smile and digging in with her fork in one hand, and Riley's hand in the other.

"Thanks mom." Riley said and ate a bit more slowly than Maya, knowing she had more than enough time before school started. The brunette took small glances at the soft pair of blue eyes that shined. "You look really nice.. Did Shawn buy you that blazer?" Riley asked and looked at the black blazer that the sleeves bunched up at Maya's elbows. Her eyes traveled down to see how nice it fitted her at her waist, and how it ended at her midrif, and the turquoise blouse that peeped out from between the blazer and the black skinny jeans.

"Yeah. He did, I really like it. I'm glad you like it too Riles." The blonde said turning her head toward Riley and smiling, she was wearing a pink lipstick that was only a few shades off of her normal lip colour. "I really like your vintage dress." She said and fiddled with the fabric while holding the brunette's hand.

"Thanks." Riley said blushing and crossed her legs and looked down at her watch. "Hey mom is it okay if me and Maya hide in my room until dad is ready to take us to school?" Riley asked before scooting her chair out and letting go of the blonde's hand and picking up her plate to take care of.

"Sure, I'll clean your plates." Topanga said gesturing for them to leave them on the counter.

'Thanks Mrs. Matthews." Maya said again and walked with Riley, her hand on Riley's waist. The brunette's heart raced slightly and she opened her door. Maya moved her hand and sat down on Riley's queen bed. "So how's things with you and Ranger Rick?" Maya asked raising an eye brow and curling her lips up.

Not as good as things would be between me and you.

"Fine." Riley lied a little and sat down in her chair across the bed as she stared at Maya happily and sighed softly, knowing Maya could tell she was lying. "So what if I don't like him... I mean he's nice to me." She said shyly. "Plus he's comfy, I don't have to worry about people messing with me.." The brunette continued and looked up into the blue eyes.

"You should tell him Riles." Maya said crossing her arms and huffed her hair out of her face. "Its not fair to him." The blonde said and Riley nodded sighing.

"I'll tell him today okay? But after school.. No need to upset him early." The brunette said and blushed as more images of her dream entered her mind, the thought of Maya's head down between her thighs. Riley's face turned bright red.

"What is it Riley.. You like someone else huh??" Maya asked leaning back and winking a little.

Yeah you.

"No, I just thought of this thing... I dunno never mind." Riley said trying to change the subject and she bit her lips that were stained. Blood red from the lipstick.

"Who is it? I know that face." Maya said teasingly and got up and walked toward the brunette and squinted her eyes as she squatted down in front of Riley. "Its the face you make when you think of Jake Gyllenhaal or Chris Helmsworth." Maya said smirking as she looked into Riley's chocolate brown doe eyes. "Tell me or I'll read your miiinnnd." Maya teased.

Its you goddamnit.

"I just had a dream last night and Robert Downey JR was in it." Riley said convincingly. So much so that she almost believed it until she remembered the embarrassingly loud moan she made in her dream. "Yeah it was really.. Hnnnn." Riley said blushing.

"Okay. I believe you... For now." Maya said and stood up before taking Riley's hand and pulling her up and into her arms. "So now that you don't have a date to the dance, wanna go with me?"

Is she actually fucking asking me out?!

"Its better than going stag, but ehh, I mean its kinda like going with your cousin." Maya added and spun Riley out before grabbing her phone.

I'd rather you actually ask me out.

"Yeah sure." Riley said.

And They Stared at Each Other a Little too Long to Just Be FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now