Actually Sharing a Hotel Room with Your Just Best Friend and..

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Actually Sharing a Hotel Room with Your Just Best Friend and Actually Accidentaly Fucking Your Best Friend.

Maya was only drunk enough at the end of the dance to smell alcohol, and occasionally 'accidently' push Farkle. The blonde, brunette and their three friends all had to go to Target after the dance because all of them forgot to bring a pair of extra clothes to the dance and the necessary hygiene products to last through the night, so they all went around in their 1950's outfits looking for:

5 tooth brushes
3 travel sized toothpaste containers
4 things of travel sized deoderants
1 full sized deoderant {Jasmine scented}
2 night gowns
1 woman's two piece pajama set
2 mens' pajama set
1 box of fruity pebbles
1 box of peanut butter cap' n' crunch
1 bottle of shampoo {gardenia scented preferably}
1 bottle of conditioner

Riley and Farkle's girlfriend Samantha were really the two main people looking for the stuff on the list, every once in a while Farkle would jokingly put in a box of condoms, before Samantha would promptly put the box back on the shelves and roll her eyes before saying "Honey, you have about as much of a chance of that happening as Lucas has with Riley." Sam said not knowing the two broke up.

"Which is an absolute value of negative fucking 1 mate." Maya said a little drunkily and patted his shoulder laughing. Lucas tensed up a little and sighed heavily before relaxing a little.

"Can we change the subject please?" Riley asked awkwardly as she put in the shampoo and conditioner in her basket she was carrying around. The blonde nodded and walked up beside her and wrapped her arm around Riley's waist. Riley blushed a little, glad she was already wearing blush to cover her natural blush.

"Next and last on our list is pajamas. I think we can all handle getting our own." Riley said looking at the list and walked with the two other girls to get to the pajama section. Maya wandered off into the section with two pieces while Sam and Riley stayed in the nightgown section, Riley grabbed one that was soft and silky not paying attention to what it actually looked like.

{Mature Content from this Point On}

{At the Hotel}

The group had checked in and got in the rooms they had assigned: Riley with Maya, Lucas and Farkle, and Sam in a room by herself since she had a c-pap machine that had the tendency to be very loud. The brunette decided to take her shower the morning after and changed into her nightgown while Maya was in the bathroom. Riley's hair was undone and her make up was wiped off so she was just in her nightgown and that was it. The brunette was sent into a panic when she realized the only thing covering up her breasts was a rather revealing lace , so much so that it didn't leave much to imagine. Fuck, fuck fuck.. Where did I put my bra? Riley asked herself before realizing she hasn't worn one because the dress had one built in. Ohh fuck me, this can't be happening, she'll think I'm desperate and needy. She thought to herself hearing the bathroom door open so she did her best to cover herself up.

And They Stared at Each Other a Little too Long to Just Be FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now