Empty Apartments and Living Together

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Empty Apartments and Living Together

It was near the end of her Senior year when Riley had finally convinced her parenta to let her move out of their apartment and into one with Maya. The two women didn't leave the comfort of home seeing as they moved into the apartment literally across the hall. The brunette set her box that she was carrying down on the kitchen counter and looked around at the apartment to see nothing but boxes around her, she sighed happily before she felt Maya wrap her arms around her waist from behind. The two stood in a very comfortable silence as they looked around at their home. Riley smiled from ear to ear as she imagined little feet running around the floor, she closed her eyes and leaned against Maya. "You ever thought about having kids?" Riley asked absentmindedly and felt Maya nod before she kissed her cheek.

"With you? All the time." Maya said honestly and looked at the brunette. "But we should wait until after college to start a family." The blonde said and turned Riley around and kissed her softly.

"Yeah." Riley said in agreement and kissed Maya lovingly before pulling back and looked at Maya's sparkling blue eyes. "So you wanna unpack the kitchen stuff with me?" Riley asked and Maya nodded the two separated and started unpacking all the boxes that were in the kitchen and worked their way to their bedroom and Maya's art studio. The two sat on the couch and Riley leaned up against Maya and cuddled up to her as they were watching the TV, they stayed that way until there was a loud knock on the door and the blonde got up and looked through the peephole to see Lucas, Sam, and Farkle behind the door and Lucas holding a bouquet of flowers. The blonde unlocked the door and let them in and took the flowers when Lucas offered them to her.

"Aww Ranger Rick I don't know if I can say I feel the same way." Maya said sarcastically and put them in a nearby empty vase. Lucas rolled his eyes and hugged Riley tightly when she got up and then hugged Maya.

"This place looks great guys." Sam said and looked around at the nicely decorated space and set down the cake she had baked for the two girls as a house warming gift. The red head looked around and Farkle hugged the other two girls tightly.

"It suits you guys." Lucas said leaning up against the kitchen island and pulled Farkle in for a short cuddle. "So what did you say to convince your Dad to let you go into Maya's hands?" He asked curiously knowing her father loved Maya but was a bit hesitant with her dating Riley after the whole thing. Riley shrugged and smiled at Lucas.

"I told him that the apartment was about to be rented to someone else and that the other one we were looking at was across the city and not the hall." Riley said honestly and put the cake in the fridge and hugged sam and thanked her for it sincerely. "Sorry we don't have dinner ready.. We weren't exactly expecting you guys." Riley said and looked at Maya who was on her phone.

"Does order in Chinese sound good to anyone?" Maya asked and the group agreed and Maya ordered the usuals that everyone would get, being friends with everyone long enough to know their tastes. "Okay 30-40 minutes of wait guys." She said and jumped over the back of the sofa and flopped onto it right next to where she knew Riley would sit. The brunette laughed and sat next to the blonde and kissed her cheek softly.

"I'm so glad we're living together." Riley said and cuddled up to Maya watching as Sam and Farkle sit together and Lucas sit in his own chair, not even looking like he minded Sam and Farkle being close.

I wish this moment could last forever.

{Sorry for short chapter mates.}

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