Awkward Double Dating and Busted Faces

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Awkward Double Dating and Drinking Games

Riley was sitting on the inside of the booth next to her blonde girlfriend and held her hand lovingly as her big brown eyes looked at the menu. The brunette moved some hair out of her face and took a sip of her lemonade, she glanced up at Lucas and smiled as she watched him stare at Farkle like he used to stare at her. She smiled as she looked at the blonde next to her and kissed her cheek with a huge grin from ear to ear, Maya turned her head and pressed her lips up against Riley's. "I love you." Maya whispered as she caressed the back of Riley's hand.

"I don't know I'd I feel the same." Riley said sarcastically and jokingly, Maya made a horrified face as she looked at Riley. "I mean I like you and all-" she continued jokingly and rolled her eyes at herself. "Ohh who am I kidding, I'm totally in love with you too. No saving me at this point." Riley said giggling and kissed Maya loving. The brunette stared into Maya's blue eyes when they pulled back. "Sooo watchya gettin'?" She asked as she scooted closer to her love.

"Ugh I dunno probably lasagne or Alfredo." Maya said shrugging before running her hands through her hair in an unknowingly sexy way.

"I was trying to decide between those two too. Wanna go half and half?" Riley asked and Maya nodded, the two girls closed their menus as they looked up at the three lovebirds.

"Yo Red, Farkle, and Jack Twist." Maya said trying to get their attention and it worked for all of them. "How does dating work for you guys? If you don't mind me asking." Maya asked and took a sip of her Dr. Pepper.

"Its not as complicated as it seems." Sam said laughing softly as she squeezed Farkle's hand lovingly. "Sometimes Farkle and I go out on a date." She said and gave Farkle a kiss on the cheek.

"And sometimes me and Lucas go out on a date." Farkle said honestly and smiled softly as Lucas stroked his hand. "We don't usually go on a date all together unless its a movie, bowling, or something with you guys." Farkle said and looked into Lucas' eyes.

"Awe that's cute." Riley said and giggled softly, Maya adored the sound of her giggle and especially if she was the one that made her giggling. The blonde tickled the brunette before their waitress came by their table.

"You ready to order?" A semi-familiar voice asked before they let out an audible groan.

"Alfredo and Lasagne for me and my girlfri-" Maya said and looked up to see it was none other than Missy fucking Bradford, Maya let out a horribly loud laugh as she saw that her face was still busted up from the night of the party. There was a part in her eyebrow that had been shaven for what looked like what had been stitches and her nose was all black and blue along with under her eyesockets. "Woah who fucked you up?" Maya asked smirking and handed Missy her and Riley's menus.

"Thanks to you I had to get stitches and get reconstructive surgery on my nose." Missy said glaring at Maya and wrote down their orders.

"Woah..." Lucas said looking up at Missy and made his usual awkward situation. "Um I'd like your gnocchi with the cream sauce." He said awkwardly and passed his menu over to Farkle.

"Chicken parm." He said and passed the two menus over to Sam who was still deciding.

"Spaghetti and meatballs."  Sam said and looked up at Missy as she handed the menus over to Missy with a small smirk on her face. "Got what was coming to her." Sam said under her breath and took a sip of water and looked down at the table.

"Excuse me?" Missy asked in disbelief as she put her hand right in front of Sam and the red head looked up at Missy's busted face. The waitress leaned down and whispered into Sam's ear "Well at least my friends aren't fags." and the red head looked pissed to no end.

"I'm sorry excuse me." Sam said, the whole group watched her as she got up and started walking away and a few moments later she returned with the manager. The manager let out a small sigh.

"Please excuse Missy's irreparable behavior." He said and shook his head. "And please accept a free dessert for the way she treated all of you.

And They Stared at Each Other a Little too Long to Just Be FriendsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant