Non-Alcoholic Beer and Passionate Kissing

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Non-Alcoholic Beer and Passionate Kissing
{This is set a couple years after the last chapter, all of them being of legal drinking age}

The brunette walked into the bar first and walked up to the bartender a bit quickly as she got his attention. "Okay so I can't drink anything with alcohol but my friends can't know that, so whenever I order something give me the nonalcoholic version okay?" Riley said quickly not wanting her friends to hear her. She sat down on one of the barstools and patted the bar a bit nervously as she watched her friends entered the bar and she messed with her hair a little. The brunette smiled as her girlfriend planted a kiss on her lips. "So what do you guys want?" Riley asked looking at her group of friends.

The group looked over the menu and shrugged as they tried to decide, the brunette herself also looking at her menu and she ran her fingers trough her hair nervously as she tapped her fingers against her scalp as she looked over the menu and but her lip softly. "So how is invetro working for you guys?" Samantha asked and looked over at Maya who frowned a little. "Ohh so not that good?" Sam asked concerned and Lucas and Farkle looked up at their friends and offered a comforting smile.

"Riley's taking hormones and all but it hasn't been working that well." Maya said and ordered her drink as she continued, the brunette swallowed down a huge lump in her throat glad that Maya was talking about and not her. "So we've decided to take a little break from trying, but she'll continue her hormones so that when we do decide to try again she'll be ready." The blonde said smiling when she faced the brunette and kissed her cheek softly. Riley felt butterflies in her stomach as she tried to think of what she wanted and she felt her stomach turn in knots and looked up at the bartender who gave her a small wink and she smiled softly.

"Ughh do you do piñacoladas?" Riley asked and he nodded, she was glad he was the only one working right now so she didn't have to worry about asking several people to do for her what he was doing. Riley bit her lip and looked down the bar to see the three love birds. "So have you guys thought about kids?" Riley asked and tried to prevent herself from putting her hand on her stomach. The brunette instead set her hand in her lap and scooted the bar stool closer to Maya.

"Yeah." Lucas said awkwardly. "We're waiting a little bit longer than you two." He said looking down at the beer he ordered, he laughed sadly and scratched the back of his head. Riley knew that Lucas wanted children, since he was with her he knew he wanted children.

"Yeah, wait until we're all out of college and have a steady income." Sam said and rubbed Lucas' back comfortingly and bit her lip softly.

"That's ridiculous." Riley said and furrowed her brows in a confused manner. "Farkle I'm sure if you ever came into some trouble your dad would be more than happy to help you." Riley said taking Lucas' side even though Lucas was willing to suffer in silence. "Lucas will be home most days seeing as he's out of college and interning at the vetinarian place right?" Riley pointed out and sighed heavily. "And when he does have to work one of you could stay behind considering you two take the same class." Riley said and looked at Lucas who gave her a warm smile.

"But what if we have a test on a day that he has to work?" Farkle asked.

"We'll baby sit them." Riley said and took a sip and mentally sighed to herself. For a genius he can't tell that Lucas really wants kids. Riley thought shaking her head. The three love birds looked at each other and Farkle sighed.

"Well talk more about it when we get home okay?" Farkle said to Sam and Lucas. Lucas was so happy that the conversation was back open for debate and leaned over and kissed Farkle passionately and stood up before pulling away and walked over to the pool table and the rest of the group followed, bringing their drinks.
A couple hours later the group was back at the bar and they had reordered their drinks and Riley ordered a non-alcoholic beer and hoped the new bartender got the information from the old one. "One margarita,two guinesses, one Cosmo, and one nonalcoholic beer." He said and Riley looked up at him horrified and face palmed herself when he left.

"What why are you drinking non-alcoholic drinks?" Sam asked and looked at the brunette a bit confused. Maya did the same and ignored her guiness as she looked into Riley's eyes trying to find the answer.

"Well uhm I read on mommy blogs that if you're trying for a baby you shouldn't drink." She said and nervously took a sip of her 'beer'.

"But we're not trying anymore. And your last test said it was negative." Maya said knowing how the test turned up 2 months ago. Riley looked back up to Maya and laughed nervously.

"I didn't want to say anything yet because I didn't want to jinx anything... But apparently we tested too soon Maya, because... I'm pregnan-" she said before she got interrupted with Maya's lips pressing up against hers with more passion than Maya had ever kissed her before. The blonde got off of her bar stool and pulled Riley by the waist until their bodies were all the way up against each other. Riley opened her mouth when she felt Maya's tongue begging to be let in.

"Congrats guys but get a room." Lucas said laughing softly but the two of them ignored him. Riley's face turned bright red as she felt Maya swirl her tongue around in her mouth. The blonde out of curiosity slid her hand up Riley's loose blouse and was shocked that Riley's tummy already had a tiny bump on it.

"We'll see you tomorrow." Maya said and pulled out some crumpled cash and grabbed Riley by the wrist and ran out of the bar more than eager to celebrate.

A/N: There aren't going to be a lot of chapters after this but when the story ends I will be starting another Rilaya work called "Its a Little Complicated."

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