Uncomfortable Cashier Stools and OBGYNS

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Uncomfortable Cashier Stools and OBGYNS

Riley readjusted herself on the stool and rubbed her 5 month baby bump as she read a magazine on the bakery's slow time. The brunette enjoyed working with Maya's mom and Katie was clearly excited to be a grandma soon, the brunette laughed softly when Katie brought her out a glass of water and thanked her as she took a couple sips of it. Riley closed her magazine when she saw a costumer and readjusted herself on the stool uncomfortable stool when she rang up the order and handed it to Katie as she walked back to the kitchen area. "Your order will be out, sit anywhere you would like to." Riley said with a small smile as she ran her fingers through her short hair. When she saw Katie bring out the guys sand which she bit her lip and asked her "Was Maya a big baby when she was born?" She asked out of curiosity.

"No she was 6 pounds 7 oz. Why do you ask?" Katie asked curiously before taking a small break to talk to her grand child causing Riley to laugh softly.

"Well because we couldn't choose who should be the biological mother so we both used both our eggs and the doctor put in the one that took. And I know I was a small baby I was 6 pounds 3 oz." She said and rubbed her bump lovingly. "So I was just wondering." Riley said smiling up at Katie as she went back to work.

"It might be the sperm doner Riles." She said and started bussing the tables and bringing the dirty plates back to the kitchen area, Riley could tell that she needed a little help so she got up and half walked- half waddled to the table with dirty dishes and brought it back to the kitchen where her mom frowned at her.

"Riley you need to sit down and relax." Topanga said and hugged her daughter lovingly.

"Well Maya is going to take me to the OBGYN soon so I just wanted to say goodbye." Riley said and kissed her mom goodbye and hugged Katie happily.

"Tell your momma that the two grandmas want to know your gender." Katie said looking down at Riley's bump and then back to Riley and gave her a playful wink.

"Yeah I already know that you guys want to know. Bye!" She said and started walking out the kitchen and walked out of the bakery just in time because Maya pulled up to the curb and got out of the car. "Our moms are pestering us to find out the gender." Riley said laughing and Maya laughed and kissed Riley passionately and rubbed her stomach.

"Why don't we get the envelopes and just give it to them?" Maya asked And helped Riley into their new car.

"No I want it to be a surprise to everyone." Riley said getting in and buckling up and closing the door and waited for Maya to get in. "Besides it shouldn't matter." Riley added once Maya got in. "Whatever it is just needs to be healthy and happy." Riley said and held Maya's hand as they started to drive.

"I know but its both their first grandchild so I understand where their coming from." Maya said kept her attention on the road and stroked Riley's hand lovingly. The blonde brought Riley's hand up and kissed it lovingly. "I love you babe." She said smiling lovingly.

"You better, do you see how big I am?" Riley said jokingly and laughed softly. "Of course I love you too." Riley added and put Maya's hand over the spot the baby was kicking a lot. "We got ourselves a little kick boxer." Riley added and laughed softly.

"Yeah." Maya said laughing and rubbing Riley's bump softly and moved her hand back to the wheel as she turned into the OBGYN's office parking lot and got as close to the door as she could to the door and got out and walked to the other side to help Riley get out of the car and into the office. "Riley Matthews for Dr. Syke." Maya said and they were let straight in. The blonde helped Riley get up into the bed and kissed her lovingly and then kissed her baby bump happily before Riley nervously began rubbing her baby bump. "I'm sure its healthy, an unhealthy one wouldn't be getting as big as it is." She said and held Riley's hand lovingly and the Doctor came in.

"Okay you know the drill." The doctor said playfully as Riley slid her shirt up and shivered slightly when the doctor put on the cold jelly and spread it with the wand to the ultra sound. Riley squeezed Maya's hand and smiled happily when she saw the baby's head and lightened her grip on Maya's hand "And there's your baby." The doctor said smiling.

"Look at that." Riley said and kissed Maya lovingly.

"Told you it was healthy." Maya said teasingly after the kiss and Riley nodded as she looked at her baby smiling from ear to ear.

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