12th Grade Parties and Defending Your Woman

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12th Grade Parties and Defending Your Woman
{Italic thoughts are Riley's. Italicisized and underlined thoughts are Maya's}

Riley and Maya walked into the party with their three friends shortly behind them, the blonde woman put her hand on Riley's back before casually sliding it to her other side and held her close as they walked together to the kitchen knowing it would be the quietest place to hang out. That was until Riley heard her song come on and she stopped dead in her tracks and gave Maya puppy dog eyes that she could never say no to. "I'll make it worth your while." Riley said as she pulled her to the middle of the dance floor and started singing the Song 'Reflection' by Fifth Harmony and started dancing as well. The blonde laughed and sang along with her girlfriend as she spun her around and her eyes widened slightly as Riley started dancing up against her, the blonde bit her lip as she felt Riley's ass rub against her. Maya put her hands on Riley's waist as she continued to grind up against the blonde. Ohh my god is this happening? Maya asked herself but didn't complain.

"WHY DO YOU THINK I'M PUTTIN' ON MY FAVOURITE PERFUME? WHY DO YOU THINK THIS DRESS SO TIGHT THAT I CAN BARELY MOVE? WHY DO YOU THINK IM DANCING IN THESE UNCOMFORTABLE SHOES? I DID IT ALL, I DID IT ALL FOR YOU." Riley said singing at the top of her lungs and pointed at Maya at the last part and continued to grind up against the blonde, Maya wasn't much of a dancer, but if this was what she would get each time she danced with Riley at this party she'd dance with Riley all night. Farkle and Lucas were also on the dance floor and Maya guessed that Sam was in the Kitchen away from all the noise. Maya smirked as Riley continued dancing against her and as the song approached the bridge a guy walked up to Riley and tries flirting with her until she put up her hand and half faced Maya. "Mirror mirror on the wall should I even return his call?" And Maya smirked looking up at the guy.

"No way no way." She sang and replied to Riley and waved to him goodbye as she kissed Riley passionately and flicked him off with a wicked smirk on her face. The brunette smiled and pulled away and sighed when the song was over and pulled Maya over to the kitchen where Sam was relaxing at a little table on the side no one really noticed. The blonde sat down at the chair across from Sam and Riley sat between the two. "You okay Sam?" Maya asked and raised a brow.

"Yeah. Just bored to no end. At least you two are having fun." Sam said and looked up from her bottle of root beer. The red head smiled up at them and sighed softly and bit her lip.

"Sorry about that, wish this was more your scene." Riley said and looked at the redhead and smiled softly. The brunette ran her fingers through her own hair and gave a quick wink to her girlfriend.

"Its okay, Farkle is having fun, so that's what matters." Sam said and sipped at her root beer.

Maya looked at her girlfriend and held her hand happily. The blonde smiled softly. "Wanna come dance with us?" Maya offered and saw Sam shaking her head. "Okay wanna go back out Riley?" She asked and Riley shook her head with a smirk.

"I wanna do body shots off of you." She said winking and the blonde turned a shade of pink.

"Let's save that for the after party babe." She said and stood up and pulled Riley up.

"I wanna go dance with Lucas and Farkle for a little bit." Riley said and kissed Maya's cheek.

"Don't dance with them like how you danced with me." Maya said and Riley laughed and gave her a thumbs up.

"Ohh look the dumb whore goes to dance with her fuck mates." A drunken familiar voice said after Riley left. Maya looked around saw it was Missy fucking Bradford.

"Excuse me?" Sam said and stood up glaring at the blonde woman who leaned against the wall surrounded by a bunch of probably horny guys. "What did you say about my best friend??" She said angrily. Maya was beyond words and was ready to beat her up right then and there.

"I said she's a whore. Dirty, filthy, gross.." She said before getting the wind knocked out of her as Maya picked her up by her collar and slammed her against the wall making a loud thud sound and a small dent in the wall from Missy's head.

"Don't you dare speak about Riley like that you filthy slut." Maya said, her nostrils flared and her teeth bare.

"She's fucked half of the football team." A guy said and Maya used her free hand to slam his head into the wall, this time leaving a large dent and an unconscious guy.

"If you speak about Riley like that, I will obleritate you." She said angrily as Missy smirked.

"Maya you can't just go from premium edition to junkyard scraps. I mean once you've had the best you can't get any better. And I'm the best you'll ever get." Missy said, Maya was so pissed off she was shaking. "She's just a whore." Missy said. Maya pulled her off of the wall and grabbed her by the hair at the back of her head and slammed her as hard as she could face first into the wall, there was a hole in it and blood all over Missy's face.

"What the fuck get out of my house!" Danny said, he had been the one hosting the party. Maya didn't complain, she started to walk towards the dance floor but Riley came to the kitchen to see what the commotion was. The blonde grabbed her wrist and walked out of Danny's house, shortly followed by Sam, Farkle and Lucas.

No one talks to my woman like that.

And They Stared at Each Other a Little too Long to Just Be FriendsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt