Being A Week Over Due and Being Extremely Uncomfortable Constantly.

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Being A Week Over Due and Being Extremely Uncomfortable Constantly.

Rile looked down at her huge stomach and whimpered softly as she rubbed her stomach, the brunette was having major Braxton Higgs contractions constantly since she's been due and they all stayed at the same distance apart lasting anywhere to 5 minutes to half an hour every 2 hours or so. Some were so bad she would wake up in extreme pain in the middle of the night in tears, and each time she would go to the hospital when she thought it was go time she was always told that they were just Braxton Higgs contractions and each time she'd go home even more frustration than she left with. Currently it was 12:03 am and she was experiencing her phantom contractions and she grabbed Maya's hand tightly and woke her up and Maya offered her a face of sympathy and kissed her stomach and rubbed it lovingly. "Why do you cause momma so much pain huh? She's given you a comfy home for 9 months and a week and this is how you repay her?" Maya said talking to Riley's massive baby bump and rubbed small circles. "Do you want a back rub babe?" Maya asked and kissed a crying Riley and saw the brunette nod. "Okay you just turn towards me and I'll move for you okay?" Maya asked and Riley nodded and did as the blonde told her as Maya crawled over her, she helped the brunette take her shirt off as she heard Riley wince softly when Maya put her hands on the back of Riley's hips.

"It hurts really bad right there." Riley said through her tears of pain and the blonde nodded.

"I'll be right back don't move." Maya said and kissed the back of Riley's neck and got up and ran over to the kitchen fridge and pulled out the ice pack from the freezer and the rosemary lotion from the fridge because she knew Riley preffered cold to hot for most things except her showers. The blonde closed both doors and ran over to the brunette in an intense amount of pain and put the ice pack on the back of Riley's hips and Riley let out a thanking wimper. The blonde put some lotion on her hands and began to massage Riley's back carefully and gently.

"That feels really good." Riley said wiping her tears away before closing her eyes and rubbed her giant baby bump. "Thank you Maya." Riley said and felt some of her pain subside before she felt another sharp pain enter her body and her legs get wet she let out a loud scream of pain.

"What's wrong?!" Maya asked in a panic as Riley sat up and put her shirt on and looked down at the wet spot on Riley's pants "Ohh god did your water break?!" She asked panicking and Riley winced and tried to stand up but was bent over in extreme pain.

"Ohh god it hurts really bad Maya!" Riley said in pain, in a moment of adrenaline Maya picked Riley up and carried her on her back and grabbed all the baby stuff she had packed and ready at the door, she ran over across the hall and ran into Riley's parents' apartment the left unlocked for this very reason and set Riley down on the couch and woke everyone up including Riley's 15 year old brother Auggie and told them it was go time and to call her mom as well. Maya went back to the couch and put Riley back on her back and took the elevator down and ran out to her car and buckled Riley in and dashed to her side and buckled in and drove as fast and as safely as she could to the hospital and when she got there she carried Riley over to where there was a wheel chair and pushed her into the ward for pregnant women going into labor. "Maya it hurts really badly." Riley said again before screaming in pain and squeezing Maya's hand so tightly an audible snap could be heard from her family 10 feet behind them.

"Breathe babe its almost over, we'll have our baby in our arms happy and healthy." She said and walked along with the nurse who was pushing Riley into the delivery room and helped the nurse take Riley's clothes off and helped her into a paper gown. "I'll be right back alright?" Maya asked and Riley nodded in pain and squeezed the hand rails as she felt another contraction not noticing the nurse was putting her feet in the styrups. The brunette was hooked up to an IV when she noticed Maya come back in a paper uniform and held her hand tightly as tears ran down her face. "Okay breathe babe. Just imagine holding him or her in your arms." She said trying to calm down Riley as the brunette felt another contraction as the doctor hurried in.

"Okay you need to start pushing okay?" He said.

About 3 and a half hours of pain, sweat, tears, and Maya's broken hand Riley was finally done pushing and she was exhausted but she stayed awake to hold her first born which they had found out was a boy who they named Carson Matthew Hart. Carson weighed an impressive 11 pounds and 15 oz and he was absolutely beautiful, thick brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes. Riley felt tears of happiness roll down her face as she held Carson.

"He beautiful baby boy." She said bouncing him and held him happily and stroked his cheeks. "I'm your mommy and I've waited so long to meet you." Maya was even crying and the last time anyone saw her cry was at Farkle's first grade birthday party.

"He's so beautiful Riles." She said with a big smile. "Now go to sleep while I let our parents hold him." Maya said and kissed Riley's head and the brunette nodded and Maya called Topanga in first and let her hold him. "His name is Carson Matthew Hart." She said and Topanga made a fake groan.

"Not only are you huge but you're also not a girl like I thought you'd be." She said and rocked him lovingly. "But I'll still love you. The rest of the night went by like this but Auggie was the one who was crying the most out of joy.

"He's just so beautiful." He said and sniffled and wiped his tears away and handed Carson back to Maya.

"Yep he is, just like his Momma." She said looking at Riley lovingly. The blonde let the nurse take away Carson to the nursery and sat in the chair next to her sleeping girlfriend and slept by her side for the rest of the night.

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