$5 Foot Longs and Realizing You've Gone Past The Point of Completely Fucking Up

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Five Dollar Foot Longs and Realizing You've Gone Past The Point of Completely Fucking Up
{Yay for a Maya centric chapter}

Maya sat on her bed as she sketched a portrait of Riley, careful to get the details exact so she could capture her beauty the right way. The blonde was more than just a bit embarrassed that the brunette walked in on her and Missy, but truth be told she didn't care about Missy. At all. She called her over whenever she was lonely and she would pretend that Missy was Riley, but she would never openly admit that to anyone, let alone Riley. Maya used water from the cup she had and dipped a brush in it to spread the graphite she left thick on the page to spread down on the page to look like black tears on the page. The blonde sighed heavily as she looked at the sketch sadly, she hated drawing Riley like this but that's all she saw of her recently, she was constantly sad and Maya hated seeing her like this as well. The blonde left her sketch book open to let it dry. The blonde sat on her bed before lying flat on her back trying to remember the last time she saw Riley happy.

It was the night of the sock hop, she seemed happy until I asked her if I did anything stupid.

She thought to herself and huffed heavily before grabbing her phone that was next to her and went through her photos of that night when she scrolled across a video that seemed to be pointed at the hotel ceiling that she and Riley had shared. The blonde furrowed her eyebrows and heard some rustling and the shower in the bathroom and a small creak and what sounded like a slap. Did I slap her? She asked herself and thought hard before she heard her voice and blushed, embarrasses at what she said to Riley. Did I?

"Well with your permission I would like to kiss you."

Did we? No. We couldn't have.. I would have remembered.

The blonde fast forwarded into the video and heard Riley moaning and gasping, her eyes went wide eyed as she saw the memories came flooding back. Ohh I fucked up real bad. She thought as she sat straight up. Ohhhh I fucked up real bad. She thought and stood up and put on her leather jacket and shoved on her leather boots. How the fuck do I fix this? Maya asked and began texting Lucas and Farkle at the speed of lightening, telling them both she needed to see both of them at the park across the subway station and that she had to do something to fix Riley.

Maya met the two guys at the park like all of them said they would, Lucas and Farkle bombarded Maya with questions that she let them finish before she would even talk. The blonde messed with her hair as the two men continued to speak at the same time, she even checked her nail polish and made a frowny face to see it was chipped. For the first time since she got there she heard silence so she was finally able to speak.

"Great now that both of you have shut up I need to talk to you." She said and looked at both of them seriously. "About a month ago I really fucked up with Riley.." She said before she trailed off.

"What did you do??" Lucas asked sounding pissed off.

"I may have slept with her and then completely forgot cause I was black out drunk." Maya said and suddenly felt Lucas pick her up and slam her against a tree.

"THATS WHY SHE'S BEEN SO FUCKING SAD THIS WHOLE TIME?" Lucas said so angry that he was spitting, Maya deserved this so she wasn't about to fight it but Farkle pulled him off of her.

"DUDE CHILL OUT, I DON'T KNOW IF YOU REMEMBER OR NOT BUT YOU literally offered to suck my dick FOR 5 DOLLARS DUDE." Farkle said yelling then whisper yelling then back to normal yelling. Maya burst into laughter.

"I did?" Lucas asked confused. "Did you take me up on that offer?" He asked hoping the answer was no.

"Dude you called it the five dollar foot long deal." Farkle said and made a dace of disbelief. "No I didn't because MY GIRLFRIEND was right next door dude." Farkle said pushing him slightly, Lucas was bright red by the end of this.

"Okay so how do we fix this? Flowers??" He asked as he scratched his head, not remembering what Farkle was talking about.

"I don't think just flowers are gonna work for this.. I may have also been caught fucking Missy Bradford by Riley." Maya said shyly, she knew she fucked up when even Farkle looked at her in disbelief. "Look, its not like I wanted to fuck Missy Bradford, I was fucking her because I wanted to have sex with Riley." She said sighing trying to explain herself.

"So you chose Missy fucking Bradford?" Lucas asked.

"Yes Missy fucking Bradford." Maya said mockingly. "I needed to relieve some sexual tension and Missy was convient, its like you Ranger Rick and 5 dollar foot longs." She said And gestured between the two.

"WHICH actually didn't happen." Lucas pointed out and Maya grunted and nodded.

"Now listen very closely.. This is how I need to fix thing with Riley..."

And They Stared at Each Other a Little too Long to Just Be FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now