Art Projects and Missy Fucking Bradford

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Art Projects and Missy Fucking Bradford

It had been about a month since the night Riley would do anything to forget. The brunette hadn't fully forgaven Maya but didn't let it affect their relatio-friendship since that was the extent of their relationship as best friends and that was it. The brunette sighed softly as she tried to get out of her own mind so that she function like a normal human being around their friends. The brunette sat down at the lunch table smiling as she unpacked her nutella and banana sandwich out from her lunch box. Riley wasn't paying much attention to the conversations going on around her until her name was brought up.

"Riles?" Maya said as she looked over at her laughing softly as she saw Riley physically snap back into reality. "Did you hear any of that honey?" Maya asked and started eating the spaghetti they served at lunch today.

"No sorry. What were you talking about?" Riley asked and bit her lip softly, trying not to adore the spaghetti sauce on Maya's chin.

"Can you come over to my house around 4:30? Its for an art thing." Maya said a second time and laughed a little as she saw Riley stare at her chin. "What, do I have something on my chin?" She asked, Riley nodded and laughed softly, she wiped the sauce off of Maya's face, accidentally staring into the blue eyes too long.

"Sorry, but yeah sure I'll be over, no problem." Riley said and blushed softly as Maya continued to stare into her eyes as well. The brunette laughed softly before she finished eating her sandwich. Did she say 4:30 or 3:30? She asked herself not remembering but too embarrassed to ask Maya to repeat it.

The group of friends cleaned up their lunch and started walking back to their class before the bell rang. Lucas and Farkle had already left for their class which was on the other side of the building and Maya and Riley were by themselves. "You okay Riles?" Maya asked shoving her hands into her pockets.


"Yeah just fine." Riley lied, smiling as she looked down at the blonde who was biting her lip. The brunette messed around with her thumbs as she looked down.

"You've been off for a while now. I want to go back to how we were before I did whatever I did I'm sorry." Maya said rambling on before Riley cut her off.

"You didn't do anything for the fucking billionth time Maya. Geeze just stop apologizing to me. I'm fine." She said convincing even herself to believe that even though she had been far from it, she was working an repairing herself without Maya's help this one time.

"Okay fine." Maya said sighing softly, she could tell Riley was hurting. She didn't know why but she desperately wanted to know why, she'd find out one way or another, with or without Riley's permission.

{Maya's apartment 3:30pm}

Riley used the key that was under the plant pot next to the front door to let herself in, she walked up to the blonde's door and was about to knock on the door when she heard a moan and Maya shush it. Is she... Riley asked herself as she looked around upset to find a pink bookbag with the name Missy B. bedazzled across the front of it. Are you fucking serious?! She asked herself angrily as she heard more moaning and gasping. I can't fucking believe you Maya. The brunette's fists were clenched, she wanted to break something, preferably over Missy Bradford's pretty little fucking face. Riley picked up a glass that happened to be filled with water and stormed into Maya's room seeing a naked and embarrassed to no end. Riley threw the glass just above Maya's headboard to scare the shit out of the two.

"GET THE FUCK OUT." Riley screamed at Missy, practically hissing at her. Missy was getting dress hurriedly, the brunette walked into the bathroom grabbing Maya's cup she always kept in there and filled it up with water before storming over to Missy and splashed water all over her. "OUT NOW BITCH." She screamed, all she could see was red, she was enraged, she hasn't even notices Maya getting dressed on the other side and was trying to find a way to redeem herself to the brunette.

Missy finally finished getting dressed and walked out, she came in a minute later and said "See you next Thursday?" Riley threw a second glass at her, narrowly missing her by an inch or so.

"OUT." She screamed and growled at the other woman who ran out.

"I told you to come at 4:30 why are you already here?" Maya asked slightly in a panic.

"I'M SORRY, I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WEREE GONNA FUCK MISSY FUCKING BRADFORD. WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK MAYA?" Riley asked as she pushed Maya a little. The brunette growled softly as she clenched her fists.

"CALM DOWN RILEY." Maya yelled trying to cool down Riley.

"NOW FUCK OFF MAYA, FIND SOMEONE ELSE TO HELP YOU ON YOUR SHITTY PROJECT." She screamed as she stormed out of the apartment and slammed the door behind her.

Fucking Missy Bradford??

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