French Kisses and Almost Accidently Vomiting All Over Your Boyfriend

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French Kisses and Almost Accidently Vomiting All Over Your Boyfriend

Riley and Maya got out of Riley's dad's car and started walking to the courtyard area near their first period class, and of course Lucas and Farkle were already there, being dorky as usual. The brunette walked up to Lucas and hugged him tightly, so in the routine of appearing like the perfect couple that she almost forgot that she was going to break up with him after school. Lucas smiled down at her and wrapped his large arms around her slim waist and leaned down pressing his lips against hers. Riley blushed deeply as she closed her eyes, she ran her hands through his hair and tried to pretend it was Maya she was kissing, which almost worked until Lucas tried to insert his tongue into her mouth which made Riley gag a little. Lucas pulled back and looked Riley a little concerned.

"You okay babe?" He asked raising his eyebrow little as Riley coughed, the brunette felt a gross mixture of Lucas' tongue and already eaten apple cinnamon pancakes after taste in her mouth.

"Yeah sorry, I just.." Riley said and recomposed herself, she cuddled herself up to Lucas' side with his arm around her waist. "Is everyone excited for the sock hop tomorrow?" She asked avoiding telling Lucas that she thought he was a horrible kisser.

"Of course, I got my 50's greaser outfit good to go." Farkle said excitedly, the idea of Farkle being a greaser was the cutest thing in Riley's mind. Such a defendable guy in such a tough outfit. It just sounded down right adorable.

"I got my post-makeover Sandy outfit ready." Maya said jokingly and rolled her eyes as Lucas and Farkle laughed a little. "Riley, honey, you know the four of us will be the only one in costume right?" The blonde asked and moved her curly hair out of her face.

God she's so perfect.

"Yeah? So? Come on Maya it will be super fun. Please?" She asked puffing out her bottom lip and gave the blonde her big puppy dog eyes knowing they would always work. The brunette walked over to the blonde and held her hand, caressing the back of it with her thumb. She could tell the blonde was cracking.

"Ugh fine I'll go in costume." Maya said glaring at Riley, glaring turned to staring a bit after. Then the bell rang. "See ya Ranger Rick and Farkle." Maya said grabbing Riley's hand and running to their first period.

"Bye Lucas! Bye Farkie!" Riley said as she started running with Maya, giggling softly before blushing softly.

I love you Maya.

{After School}

Riley and her group of friends were out in the car pickup lane laughing and talking about whatever they did that day. The brunette smiled softly as she felt Lucas wrap his arm around her shoulders, she smiled up at him and he planted another kiss on her lips.

God he's terrible at this.

"Can I talk to you Lucas... Alone please? Its really important." Riley asked as she pulled back from the kiss, wiping the red lipstick off of his lips.

"Sure babe." He said and the two of them walked to a less crowded area of the pick up area. "So what is it you want to talk about?" Lucas asked a little confused and worried.

"Lucas, I think us being together forever is unrealistic.." Riley said looking down at her puffy dress before looking back up at a hurt Lucas. "I think we should break up... I just don't feel the same about you as I did in middle school, I love you... I'm just not in love with you." Riley said and bit her lip. Lucas looked totally wrecked with emotion.

"Okay...." He said softly blinking back tears and unwrapping his arm from her shoulders, his fists clenching as he clenched his jaw as well. "I understand." He said and looked at the car lane seeing his mom's car and he started walking towards it without saying a word to anyone and got in.

"Great I feel like shit." Riley said before feeling a hand on the small of her back, she turned around and saw Maya hug her tightly.

"Its okay." Maya said and rubbed her back. "Who knows, maybe you'll find the perfect one. Maybe not Mr. Perfect." She continued and trailed off.

But what about Ms. Perfect

"But Mr. Perfect For You." Maya added and kissed Riley's forward loving.

But I want Ms. Maya Hart.

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