Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

The rest of the week was hectic as we all started to get ready for college. First we had to go buy a bunch of school and art supplies for our classes, then stock up on frozen meals for late night cramming. We were shopping in a little boutique in a town about forty minutes away when becoming a mother really sank in. 

I was passing the babies' section to get to the jeans, when I saw the cutest outfit ever. It was a light green sleeper, with a little baby giraffe on it. It was completely adorable, and could be used for a boy or girl, so I bought it for my baby.  

I was extremely nervous to go to my first doctor's appointment, excluding the one right after I'd found out I was pregnant. 

Kathy had told Ali about my appointment, and Ali decided she wanted to come as well to be there for me. We all got in Kathy's car and headed to the hospital. I had to admit I was also anxious, since I had never had any experience with babies before. I was an only child, and I worried that I would be a horrible mother. 

As we stepped out of the elevator onto the third floor, we went to the maternity ward. I checked in, and the three of us-or should I say four, considering the baby?-waited until my name was called. 

"Elizabeth Miller?" a young nurse in sickly green scrubs said. She had blonde hair and had a kind smile plastered onto her face. I stood and walked to her, Kathy and Ali following. "Right this way." 

We were lead to a small room with equipment, and I sat on the bench covered in paper. It crinkled as I made myself comfortable, and then we waited about five minutes until Dr. Monroe came in. 

"Hello," she said with a warm smile. 

"Hi," I replied. 

"So you're pregnant?" she asked. I nodded. "Approximately how long ago was the conception?" I squirmed uncomfortably with my friends in the just seemed sort of awkward to me. 

"We can leave," Ali suggested, and the began to walk out. I gave them a thankful smile. When the door closed behind them I turned back to the doctor. 

"I think a little over a month, if that was when the baby was conceived," I said, trying to think back. I couldn't remember if Brett had used any protection, and I wasn't on birth control, since I was still a virgin at the time. 

"Alright, well let's get an ultrasound set up for you," she said with a smile. "I'll get a technician for you." She left the room, then a nurse came back a moment later. 

"Please lift up your shirt," the ultrasound technician said. After she turned on some machines, she proceeded to put some cold gel onto my stomach, then pressed a paddle thing-not sure what those are called-against my abdomen. After a moment, I saw a monitor show what I assumed was the ultrasound, and I could hear soft heart beats. "Oh." 

"What?" I asked, looking at the nurse. 

"How would you feel about twins?" she said, with a smile on her face. My eyes went wide. Twins? I was going to be the mother of two babies? On my own? Without the father? Oh shit...


The next month of the pregnancy was pretty rocky. I had morning sickness almost every day, started college, and I also had to tell my parents. They didn't take it that well, since they were Christian, but eventually they decided to support me. 

I had begun to attend church with them more regularly, and even though I was pregnant before marriage, the church had also accepted me. 

On my birthday, my best friends had thrown me a small party in Ali's apartment, where it was just my friends plus their boyfriends. They had gotten me a whole new wardrobe all right, but it was all maternity clothes. 

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