Chapter 3 : Goodbye Again

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Chapter 3 : Goodbye Again

It has been exactly 2 years since I met One Direction and we have managed to keep our word ; we see each other everyday. They are pretty much my family now, I am 16 and a lot has changed.

The guys have gotten a lot more popular. Even though they lost the X Factor, they still got a record deal. They have thousands of international fans and a few hundred thousand followers on twitter. Whenever I wake up they are always there to greet me, whether in person or over text. They are the best guys ever, we have grown really close over the past 2 years too. Right now they are in America, but they come back here, to England, tomorrow.

Little do they know that I am moving, yet again, in a week. I am planning on telling them when they get back. This time I am moving to Australia. Glenroy to be exact. My parents are shooting a new movie there so they just decided to move there.

The only thing I haven't told you about now, is Justin. He has gotten to be an international superstar now. The boys are big fans of him and I have listened to all of his songs and I realized that I miss him more than ever. He has tried to Skype me a few times but I just ignore them because, well, I don't know what to say. I still get an overwhelming amount of hate from school and quite a few directioners. The boys don't know I get any because I have never told them, and I plan on keeping it that way. I am used to it by now so it doesn't faze me at all.

I was disturbed from my thoughts by my phone buzzing.

From : ZaynLovesBrittany

To : BrittanyLovesZayn

Hey lovely. We are arriving early because we cant wait to see your beautiful face. Come pick us up at the airport love! xx

Aww. He is so sweet. But he lies. YAY! I hurried up and threw on some skinny jeans and an Abercrombie and Fitch sweatshirt with one of Harry's beanies that I stole. Hahaha, oops. After that I ran downstairs, grabbed a banana and my keys and ran out to the garage to get in my car. My car is a yellow hummer my parents got me on my 16th birthday.

After I got on the road I turned on the radio and sang along to the Taylor Swift song, Fearless. I hit every note on key. I smiled to myself as I got to the airport. I decided to take this opportunity to text Zayn back since I forgot to reply earlier.

From : BrittanyLovesZayn

To : ZaynLovesBrittany

Hey! Yay! I'm here and you have a very beautiful face also. (; xx

I sent the message and stepped out of my car. I strolled into the airport and saw 5 guys in fake beards trying to get their luggage. I stood there for a moment and chuckled, then I walked over to them. None of them saw me so I snuck up behind Harry and leaned over his shoulder and kissed his cheek. He turned around with a shocked look on his face until he saw it was me ; when he saw it was me he gave me the biggest hug ever and wrapped his arms protectively around my waist. Ignoring the protest from the other guys saying he was 'hogging me' he kept hugging me for about 4 minutes before Zayn got angry and pulled Harry off of me.

I wasn't mad but Harry was pissed. I giggled at the anger in both of their faces and gave Zayn a tight hug.

"I missed you." He whispered in my ear as we were hugging. I chuckled and looked him in the eyes.

"I missed you too." I then gave him a peck on the cheek and went over to Liam.

"Hey hey girlfriend" He said in a girly voice. I smirked up at him and he came and hugged me. In the middle of the hug he lifted me off of the ground and spun me around. I gave him a peck on the cheek and felt arms wrap around my waist where Liam's were just a second ago.

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