Chapter 9 : New Family and Friends.

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Chapter 9 : New Family and Friends.

I got onto a bus with the old women. She had short curly hair, a few wrinkles on her face but not many. She was just one of those sweet elderly women. She turned to me and spoke.

"You should tell your friends your alright. They are worried sick about you because I can see you phone constantly lighting up. Go ahead and call them." She told me with a warm smile. I bit my lip and nodded my head up and down slowly. The first one that I called was Simon. He answered on the 2nd ring.

"Hello?" He said into the phone and I chuckled.

"Hey Simon, I found this very nice lady and we talked about my situation and she wants me to stay at her house tonight because its too late to go home and if I dont I will be sleeping out on the street. So I will stay there but I will be on the first train home at 5 tomorrow morning." I told him quietly. He sighed loudly into the phone.

"Okay, but please be safe. If anything goes wrong call me right away. I will pick you up at the train station at 6:30. Okay?" He asked me.

"Yes Simon, thank you." I hung up and the lady smiled at me. Now onto the hard part. I decided to call the Janoskians first since they were probably out looking for me. I called Beau and he answered on the first ring.

"Brittany?" He said in a worried tone.

"Hey Beau." I said with a small smile and I felt tears building up in my eyes.

"Brittany!" All of the boys shouted, I think I'm on speaker. "Brittany, we are so sorry. We really are happy for you. We just love you so much and care about you that it was hard to see you with anyone but us. Please forgive us?" Beau said crying into the phone and all of the other boys agreed, probably crying.

"Yes, I forgive you guys." I said quietly and I could tell that they all smiled.

"Where are you? We will come and get you." Luke said and they all agreed.

"No, I'm in Sydney. I am staying with a nice lady for the night. I will be fine. I will see you guys tomorrow. Love you!" I told them and hung up before they could protest. Next I called One Direction because they are probably packing to come here and look for me. I decided to call Louis and he answered on the first ring.

"Brittany?" He yelled into the phone and I heard all of the guys run into the room and gather around the phone.

"Hey guys." I said and felt a tear run down my face. I heard all of the boys begin to cry.

"Brittany, we are so sorry, it will never happen again. We just love you so much and we dont want you to get hurt."Liam sobbed into the phone.

"Its alright guys. I am in Sydney now and I am staying with a nice lady. I will talk to you guys tomorrow. I love you. Please get some sleep. Bye!" I said quickly and hung up ignoring their protests. I have one more ; Justin. I dialled his number and he picked up on the first ring.

"Hello?" He stuttered into the phone and I heard a heavy breath. Was he smoking?

"Justin, Its Brittany, are you smoking?" I asked and he started to cry. I felt warm tears roll down my face ; I already know the answer to this.

"I'm so sorry Brittany, I just couldnt stand the thought of losing you again." He cried. I began to cry also and then the elderly women gave me a tissue and a small smile. I gave her a smile back and remembered why I called.

"Justin, put the smoke out and listen to me ; you wont lose me, even if you wanted to. I forgive you and I'm sorry. I am alirght, I am in Sydney with a nice woman and I will be back at my house tomorrow. I will talk to you then please dont do anymore drugs." I pleaded him while he was sobbing.

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