Chapter 15 : To London!

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Chapter 15 : To London!

I woke up to someone rubbing my back and it felt good. I smiled and they kissed me on the cheek. I opened my eye slightly to see Jai sitting there. He smiled at me and I gave him a small smile back.

"It's 5 am and we leave in an hour. The boys are packing their things for the flight and the bus will be taken overseas on ship so we are going to stay at a hotel tonight. The boys want you to choose who you want to bunk with because we keep fighting over you." He told me quietly and I nodded still half asleep. I sat up and bonked my head on the bunk above me. I groaned and held my head. Jai chuckled and was still rubbing my back.

"You are my official back rubber Jai. Have you ever thought about going in massage therapy? You should." I told him and he laughed. I say silly things when I wake up. Its my worst habit. I chuckled silently and got up. We have a radio interview today and its probably chilly in London. I grabbed my galaxy leggings, gray PINK sweatshirt, and some peach Nike high tops. I shooed Jai out of the room and changed quickly. I brushed my hair and straightened it quickly. I ran downstairs with my toothbrush. While I was running I saw the boys and began making car noises to the bathroom and they all chuckled.

I brushed my teeth and went back out there. I looked at the clock and we leave in 20 minutes. I went to the living room and all of the boys were sitting there watching SpongeBob. I sat down and I felt hungry.

"Is there any food in this rolling box?" I asked the boys and thy chuckled.

"Nope. Trust me, I already checked." Niall told me and groaned. He must be as hungry as me. I will just eat on the plane.

"Are you excited for the interview today?" Liam asked me and I nodded.

"I just think its weird when they ask if there is any romance between me and any of you. I don't know how I should answer those." I told him and he nodded.

"Just say 'Not at the moment. and then wink.' It will keep them wanting more." Justin told me and winked. I nodded and chuckled at his lame attempt at a wink. I got up and grabbed my stuff for the day and overnight, as did all of the other boys, and put it by the door. We sat down again as the bus began driving to the airport.

"SHOOT!" I yelled and they all jumped and looked at me concerned. "Sorry, I just remembered about school and that I didn't tell them that I was leaving." I told them and they chuckled. I laughed and we continued with the ride. I got bored and took out my laptop and went on YouTube and put my headphones in the laptop. All of the others were watching SpongeBob so they didn't notice. I typed in the Janoskians and many videos showed up. I clicked on public affection and it only had Beau and Luke in it. I watched it for a while and when it got to the part where Beau straddled that guy in the park I burst into laughter.

All of the boys jumped and looked at me. I paused the video and pulled out my headphones and took a few seconds to calm down.

"What was that?" Harry asked and they all nodded and chuckled. I smiled at Beau and he smiled back.

"Nothing, but Beau, your hilarious." I told him and he smiled wider and the boys glared at him. He got up and walked over to me and put me on his lap. This made the guys more angry but he didn't care.

"What makes you say that?" He said looking at me and I laughed and opened up my laptop and the video popped up and he smiled a wide smile at me and chuckled. The boys were confused and also very mad so I showed them the laptop and unplugged my headphones and showed them the video. The Janoskians were laughing but still glaring at Beau and the others pretended to laugh and were just glaring at Beau. I sat there and it was awkward. Thankfully, the bus stopped and we got off. I grabbed my overnight suitcase and my phone and left.

"Shoot. Paps." Justin said and we all groaned. The Janoskians got through pretty quickly, as did I because the twins were sticking to my side right beside me the whole time. After we got in I smiled a 'thank you' at them and they grinned back. Soon One Direction and Justin emerged through the doors and we all walked off to our flight. We boarded our flight and there were 3 seats to a row. I looked at my ticket and I had seat A-69. I started laughing and the boys looked at me like I was crazy so I shut up and took my seat in the middle of 2 other seats.

"Hey buddy!" Beau said and climbed into the seat next to me. I smiled at him and looked for the others. Behind us were Jai, Luke, and Justin from window to row. Behind them was James, Skip, and Liam. Then Harry, Louis and Niall. Then Zayn was seated with Simon and his assistant. Poor Zayn, he will probably sleep the whole way anyways. I turned back around so I was facing forward in my seat and a very strong man came and sat next to me. He took off his hat and sunglasses and holy crap.

It was Ryan Lochte.

I tapped Beau's shoulder and he smiled at me and I pointed to Ryan and Beau looked confused. I leaned towards his ear and cupped my hands.

"Do you know who he is?!?!" I whispered to him and he shook his head no. "That's Ryan Lochte!" I whispered and he still looked confused.

"You know I can hear you?" Ryan said smirking at me and I chuckled.

"Sorry, I'm just a huge fan." I told him and he smiled.

"Do you swim too?" He asked me and I nodded and his eyes sparkled.

"What's your stroke?" He asked me and I smiled "Breaststroke."

"Cool!" He said and we started carrying on a conversation and Beau cleared his throat and I looked at him and smiled.

"Oh! Ryan this is Beau Brooks, he is a famous YouTube prankster and Beau this is Ryan Lochte, the Olympic swimmer." I said smiling and they shook hands.

"So why are you traveling to London?" He asked us and we smiled.

"We are going to do a radio interview in London. We aren't just pranksters, we have a single out and more are coming out soon and we are touring with One Direction and Brittany. Brittany is Simon Cowells daughter and she is going into the music industry. She is performing at the Opening Show actually. She's a really amazing singer!" Beau said smiling and Ryan looked at us smiling.

"I will be at the Opening Show too! I will see you guys there! Can I have your autograph ahead of time?" Ryan asked us and we shrugged and nodded. I signed his shirt, as did Beau.

"Can we get your autograph?" I asked him and he nodded. I didn't know what to have him sign so I pulled out my iPhone and had him sign the back of it and he signed Beaus snapback. We talked the rest of the way to London about everything.

"You know, if you would like to learn some techniques I would be happy to show you some tips." Ryan said to me and I nodded and we swapped numbers. My life is complete.

"That we be awesome! I will text you and we can figure out a time!" I said happily and he smiled and nodded. I was starting to get tired so I leaned back in my seat to go to sleep but it was so uncomfortable that I just couldn't sleep.

"You know, you can sleep on my shoulder." Beau whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and we smiled at each other before I immediately fell asleep on Beau's shoulder.


I'm thinking of deleting this story because I honestly have no idea where this is going.


What do you think?

Honestly, would anyone care if I actually deleted this story.

I feel like I'm talking to myself. Hahaa..

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