Chapter 7 : Change.

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Chapter 7 : Change

I looked up to see who had caught me ; Simon? He gave me a apologetic look. Then my dad had to step in.

"Who are you?" He asked Simon harshly. Wow, that was rude. I had tears streaming down my face and Simon saw that and looked like he was about to cry too. But he looked more angry than anything.

"I am your daughters NEW legal guardian." He yelled at my dad. My dad looked shocked, and angry.

"You cant take her from us! She is ours! Now get out!" My dad screamed at him. Simon didn't looked fazed at all but secured his protective grip around me.

"Fine, but Brittany is coming with me and as soon as social security find out what you did to her, I will adopt her as my daughter." Simon told him calmly and in control. I looked up at him with a small smile and he smiled back down at me. My mom overheard everything and was fuming ; so was my dad.

"Fine. We don't need her. She's worthless, ugly, and annoying. Take her." My mom spat. She walked over to me and slapped me, hard, across the face. I fell onto the ground with the impact and my dad took the opportunity to kick me in the stomach. Simon was yelling at them to get out and I was so scared that I did the thing I do best. I ran. I got up off the floor and ran as fast as I could down the driveway and I ran all the way to the train station. I grabbed the next train to Melbourne and left.

I sat on the train and started thinking. Am I really worthless? I know that I am ugly and annoying but I didn't know that I was worthless? I really loved my parents ; and I thought that they loved me too but I guess not.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I took it out. I had 21 missed calls from Simon. I shouldn't have ran out like that, so I decided to call him back. He answered on the first ring.

"Brittany! Are you okay? Where are you?" He asked me with worry in his voice. At least someone cares about me here.

"Hey Simon, I'm fine and I just arrived in Melbourne." I told him sadly. Should I go back home?

"Brittany, listen to me, take the next train back to Glenroy and I will pick you up at the train station." He told me very sternly ; to be honest it was kind of scary.

"Okay Simon. I'm really sorry for running out on you. Are, they, gone?" I asked him quietly. I sure hope that this is just some wicked nightmare.

"Yes, after you left I ran out after you but you were too fast. I stood there and called you many times but you didn't hear me. They came outside and we had an argument and then they grabbed all of their belongings and left. I will be there in 20 minutes." He told me sadly and hung up.

I felt a tear run down my face and got off the train and ran to the one that was leaving to Glenroy in 2 minutes. I got on the train and dried my tears. I cant cry on the train, people will think I am crazy. I sat there and thought about everything that has happened today, I remember laughing with the boys. That seems like forever ago. I swear I have cried more in the last 3 days then I have in my whole life.

I am making a promise to myself right now to not cry unless its happy tears. I am sick of this crap. The train finally arrived back in Glenroy and I got off and searched for Simon. I finally spotted someone running towards me and lifting me up into a hug. I started chuckling and saw Simons face. He had a tear run down his cheek and I had a few run down mine. He let me go and we began to walk to his car.

We got into his car and he began driving ; and it wasn't to my house. I gave him a confused look and he gave me a small smile in return. We stopped in front of a gray building. The social services building. We were just about to walk in and my parents were already there, sitting in the waiting room. I gulped and stopped in my tracks.

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