Chapter 5 : Repairs

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Chapter 5 : Repairs

I need to straighten things out with the boys before anything. They need to eat. Wait, I need to eat. I started making some macaroni and set up my laptop in the kitchen. Time to tell the boys.

From : BriBri

To : NiNi

Skype. Now. All of you.

I logged onto Skype and they were already online. I clicked on their thing and they all popped onto the screen. All of them had red puffy eyes and messy hair. I slapped my hand over my mouth and felt my eyes tear up. If I did this to them in one day, imagine how Justin is.

"Brittany!!" They all screamed and their faces brightened up. They all smiled widely and saw that I was getting teary and they grew instantly worried.

"What's wrong?!?!?" Liam screamed in a worried tone.

"What happened to you guys?" I asked them quietly.

"We miss you so much Brittany. We cant bring ourselves to do anything but cry." Zayn said sadly and they all nodded in agreement.

"Eat. Call Pesto's and order 5 pizzas. I am going to stay on and watch you guys eat, you guys cant do this to yourselves!" I yelled at them. They looked sad that I was mad at them. I shouldn't have yelled at them. They are going through a rough time.

"Sorry guys. I just love all of you so much that I cant stand seeing you like this. Please. Eat and be happy. I am so sorry." I said quietly with tears running down my face. They all looked at me and understood. Niall was the first to pull out his phone.

"Hey Pesto, can you bring 9 pizzas to our house and just put it on the tab? Thanks." He said and hung up smilling. I smiled from ear to ear.

"I don't know about you guys but you might want to order your pizzas. That was all just for me. I'm not used to not eating for more than 2 hours, let alone a day and a half." He told them. We all laughed and the rest of the boys ordered at least 3 pizzas each. I smiled at myself and remembered I was making macaroni. I turned around and, of course, it was on fire.

"AHHH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. All of the boys started yelling at me asking what's wrong and if I'm okay. I ran and got the fire extinguisher and squirted it all over the fire. It was a small fire so I got it all out. I sighed in relief and went back to the laptop where I saw the boys pacing the floor. I laughed and they all came back to the screen.

"WHAT WAS THAT!" Harry yelled with a worried voice. I gave them a small smirk before I answered.

"I kind of set my macaroni and cheese on fire." I told them chuckling. They all burst into laughter at my horrible cooking skills. Soon the pizza came, and they ate it all! Jeez! At least they are eating. I smiled to myself.

"Do you remember that one day when we were in the car and that Justin Bieber interview came on the radio? He talked about that girl that he misses so much and how he cant live without her ; I understand how he feels now." Louis told me and they all nodded in agreement and a tear slid down all of our cheeks. I nodded at him.

"I feel the same way guys. I miss you so much. Keep doing what you do and eat every meal!" I told them sternly. They all nodded and decided that they should go to bed since its 3 am there. We all said our goodbyes and love you's before they logged off. Or at least they did. I need to make one more Skype call.

Luckily I still had his Skype name. I clicked the call button and he accepted the call on the first dial. His beautiful face popped onto the screen and it took my breath away. He was beautiful.

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