Chapter 19

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"He's dead "

What ? Dallas said running to the room and the gang following him.

Dallas Pov

I saw Johnny's body laying their lifeless .

John c'mon don't die on me I said crying . Fuck man I yelled punching the wall .

This what you get for doing good for people I yelled out of anger . I bawled my eyes out banging my head against the wall.

Pony was crying like a baby and Two bit was in shock for the first time in his life he didn't have a joke to crack or anything to say a tear rolled down his cheek.

The doctor walked in . Doc you gotta bring him back alive I demanded . Knowing it was impossible what I asked .

Young man I'm afraid I can't do that he said with pity . I'm sorry for your lost he added taking Johnny's body .
Some part of me can't except he's really gone and I can't bring him back .

We sat in the lobby room to see his mother . I wanted to tell her off.

You drunk ! If you were a good mother none of this would have happened two bit yelled crying .

He didn't even wanna see you pony added sniffling . They beat me to it .
You little shits don't know what you taking about she shouted walking .

"Oh yeah Screw you " two bit yelled angrily

Janet was so hurt she couldn't even say anything or think about what was going on . I saw her with her head down .

Hey I said nudging her . What she sniffled. I looked in to her eyes and saw the sadness . I held her because that was the only thing I think I could do to help I was lost man .

I'm sorry man Vincent said sincere

"Thanks "

On the way to the Curtis it was complete silence all of our eyes were puffy . As we pulled up soda , Darry , and Steve were sitting down . They could tell by the looks on our face that Johnny was dead . The room was quiet awhile no one dared to talk

Janet's POV

You alright soda comforted hugging .

I saw Dallas look as if he was a little jealous . I slightly moved away from soda the last thing we needed was a fight .

We'll do the rumble for Johnny I heard Dallas piped .

What the hell was that

What's a rumble I asked . It's a fight between Greasers and Socs pony explained .

I hated when they fought . You guys can't be serious , Johnny wouldn't want you guys to do that I persuaded .

We have to do this soda told . I didn't know Johnny but he seemed like a great kid I'll fight Vincent agreed .

What ! No ! Vincent ! I disagreed frost .

It's not your choice Janet he clarified .
Pony are you in on this I asked scared .

Yeah it ain't a thing to me we gotta fight for Johnny he said .

I can't believe they were doing this . Johnny wouldn't want this .

It's settled tomorrow night ! Dally yelled . I walked out I couldn't stand being in there .

I saw Dallas come out .

What wrong? He asked . Johnny just died and the first thing you wanna do is fight ! I yelled .

That's all I know how to Janet I don't sit around crying all day and sobbing , I fight I hurt people thats what I do when I'm sad he yelled back .

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