Chapter 1:

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Tori's POV

Hi, I'm Tori. Just a regular girl that possibly have the worst life ever. My dad got a new job as a doctor so we had to move to California. We just moved today so we're still moving things around in our new home.

I'd be going to my new school next week. Which I'm not looking forward to by the way. I don't like moving school's because of bulling. I've been bullied for 3 years now. I started cutting when I was about 13 years old. I thought that cutting was wrong and that I shouldn't do it, but once I moved schools, I've been cutting everyday. On the bright side, I kind of wanted to move to Cali, because I thought I could start over. I thought I could get away from being bullied all the time. I'm glad I'm switching schools, because I won't have to be worrying about being pushed into lockers, punched in the stomach constantly, and kicked over and over again.

"Tori, can you get your boxes and put them in your room?" Mom said
"Sure, mom." I said grabbing two of my boxes, walking upstairs.
"Wow, this is my room?" I said to myself.
After about 2 hours of setting up my room I had to sleep. When I woke up I went downstairs. My mom was cooking dinner and my dad was watching tv. So I guess they unpacked everything important.
"Hey mom, hey dad. Where's Matt?" I asked sitting down. "He went out with his friends." Dad said. "Did you unpack everything yet?" I asked. "Almost, we're going to unpack the rest tomorrow." Dad said. "Oh okay." I said. "Are you ready for school next week?" Mom asked me.
"Kind of, I'll have to get use to my surroundings." I said. "Great!" Mom exclaimed.
Hey people! I know this isn't a long chapter but this is the first real story I'll be writing so go easy on me.
I may not be the best writer but I'll try my best.

Bullied by: Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now