Chapter 20

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Teen Nash on the side
Sadly, he isn't a teen no more because he's 18...

Tori's POV

8 months later

My dad got out of his coma last week. The conditions aren't that bad, just a broken leg and his left side might be sore. He was healing while he was in his coma. He's now at home resting while my mom is probably looking after him.

The baby is due in 2 weeks and I'm so excited. But, I'm scared too because imagine your vagina getting ripped open and a human being coming out of you. It's scary but it's all worth it.

The guys and I  (including Matt and Zoey) were hanging out more often, and Zoey and Taylor were getting closer with each other. But, we're all worried about Zoey because every now and then she would get chest pains. I just hoped she's okay.

Zoey's POV

I've been having chest pains lately and started to get worried so I decided to go to the doctor. I've called for an appointment and suppose to be there by 10:30am. It is now 9:23 so I went to take a shower. I washed my hair and body and quickly got out. I dried myself and wrapped my hair and in a towel. I put on black leggings, a tank top, and a gray cardigan with my high top converse.

I unwrapped my hair and started to blow dry it. I left it in its natural waves and started to do my makeup, which was mascara, eyeliner, and lip balm.

I started to have chest pains so I went I my room and sat down. I focused on my breathing and it had soon stopped. I grabbed my purse and went down stairs.

I made myself toast and walked out the door. My mom and dad were sleep so they didn't know I was having an appointment. Yeah, I know I should've told them about it. It was now 10:05 and the doctors' wasn't that far so I'd be on time.

I got to the doctors' 10 minutes early so I just sat down until they called my name. I didn't tell anyone about the appointment because I really didn't want anyone to worry much and if I do have something wrong with me then I'll tell them. Hopefully I don't.

I sat there in my own thoughts until someone called my name.

"Zoey James?" A short woman called. I stood up and went to the desk. She looked up and smiled at me.

"Room 167." She smiled. I nodded and went down the hallway. I found the room I was suppose to be in and walked in. No was there so I just sat on the small bed and waited.

Soon, the doctor came in with a clipboard.

"Ms. James,how are you today?" He asked, trying to make small talk although it wasn't helping my nervousness.

"I-I'm good." I answered with a slight smile.

"Don't be nervous. Just think of it as a regular check up, and if there's anything wrong, we'll try our best to treat you." He said. That kind of made me feel better so I nodded.

"First we'll check your heart and do everything we usually do in normal check ups." He said.

"Okay." I said. He started to check my heart, my ears and every thing. He told me he was going to do an X-Ray and a test just to see what was wrong.

After that, he walked out the room.

He came back with a small stack of papers, with a frown. I started to become really nervous and my breathing quickened a little.

"Ms. James, I am sorry to say but. There is in fact something wrong with your health. You have a disease called Coronary Artery Disease. This is in the top three most deadliest heart disease and I'm afraid that you might not make it for long. I am so sorry to say this." He said with sympathy in his voice.

At this moment, tears were already streaming down my face. I kept my head down. This is probably the worst thing that could happen to someone. Knowing you have a deadly disease that probably millions of people have died from, and I'm going to add to that millions.

"C-can it be c-cured?" I asked, afraid of the answer.

"I'm afraid not. Even if we tried, nothing will work. But if you start to have any kind of pain just take Advil but if you think it is serious, then you have to go to the hospital." He said. With my head still down, I nodded started to leave.

I got in my car and drove home. The tears didn't seem to stop, but you can't blame me for crying. No one wants to know that they are going to die and that there's nothing you could do about it.

When I got home, I wiped my tears and walked in the door. My mom and dad started yelling at me. Saying that I should've told them where I was going.

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled. They quieted down.

"Can you guys please sit down. This is very important so please." I asked. They nodded their heads still mad. We went to the living room and sat down.

"Explain." My mom said.

"Okay, so I left the house early because I went to the doctor. I had made an appointment for myself because I thought there was something wrong with me. I've been having heartaches up to three times a day, and I got scared so I called the doctor and made an appointment. When I got there they gave my check up and did x-rays and a test. The doctor came back with a small stack of papers and told me he had bad news. He said I have Coronary Artery Disease. I asked if it could be cured but he said it couldn't and that it was one of the top three most deadliest heart diseases. I am really sorry I didn't tell you guys, I wasn't thinking at the moment." I said. When I was finished all three of us were crying.

"I am so sorry we didn't pay attention to you." My mom cried.

"I-it's not your f-fault." I said. "Can I t-tell my friends? They d-deserve to know." I stuttered

"Y-yes sweetie. You can call them up right now and bring them over."

I called everyone and told them to come of for a meeting. My mom and dad went back to their room.

Everyone got here fast since they live down the street. I told them to sit down and that this was important.

"What's up?"  Tori asked.

I sighed. I told them everything. They started crying and gave my hug one by one and then a group hug. I'm pretty sure i looked a mess from all the crying. My eyes were burning from the tears.

They stayed for awhile but then they left. I went to my room to rest. I was really tired from crying all day so I got in my bed and drifted to sleep.

I'm sick :(

But happy New Years i hope you had fun.

Sorry for the slow updates :(

But I have a new story called "Why Me? L.H" so if you could check that out then that would be cool. (It's a Luke hemming fanfic)

So what are you guys' thoughts on Zoey having Coronary Artery Disease? Yes, it is an actual deadly heart disease

Vote & comment

Xoxo, Ashley

Bullied by: Nash GrierWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt