Chapter 4

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Tori's POV
"Tori it's time to get ready for school!" Dad yelled from downstairs.
"I'm up dad!" I yelled back.
I took a quick shower and wore black skinny jeans, an oversize sweater, and my black Uggs. Then, I blow dried/ combed my hair and put it in a high ponytail and put my makeup on. Not much just foundation, eyeliner, and mascara.

I went down stairs to eat breakfast then Matt drove me to school drove me to school. Since we both went to the same school, which kind of sucked but I like that could be there when I'm in trouble, he walked in together. "Have a good day, okay?" He said hugging me. "Okay." I said letting go. We both said our goodbyes and I met up with Zoey. "Hey Tori." she said as we went to our locker. "Hey Zoey." I said. "Hey, do you want to come to my house tomorrow after school, we can go over some of our home work?" I asked. "Sure, I'll just have to tell my mom." She said. "Okay." I said once the bell rang. "Let's go." She said.

I had Free period so I went outside today and sat down by the tree again. It was the same weather as yesterday. I loved the sound of the ocean, it helps me relax and forget about everything. I just hope that Nash and Cameron doesn't come out today. So far I haven't seen them but once today and they just called my names and laugh at me. I had to go to lunch in about five minutes so I went back inside. I walked around a little before lunch. I got my food and sat down with Zoey. "Hey Zoey."I said smiling. "Hey." She said with a half smile. "What's wrong?" I asked her. I knew something was wrong because her facial expression looked kind of sad. "I'll tell you tomorrow." She sad not really wanting to talk about it now. I didn't want to push her into telling me so I just left it alone. "Sure." I replied

I got in the car with Matt. "How was your day?" He asked. "It was good. Kind of." I said. "Nothing big right?" He asked concerned. "Nope just laughing and name calling. I just hope it doesn't get worst. Wait... Oh my gosh I forgot!" I said worried. "What?"he asked. "Nash is our neighbor and mom invited them to dinner today." I said. "Shit." He said under his breath. "I just hope it's not that bad." He said. "Yeah." I said.
When I got home I sat down at the island. "Hey Tori." She said while cleaning the kitchen. "Hey mom." I said. "How was school?" She asked. "It was Okay, some of the work was hard at first but I'm catching up." I said. "Well that's great." She said. "I'm gonna go to my room, when are our neighbors coming over?" I asked. "In about three hours." She said. "Okay." I said going up to my room.

Matthew's POV
I went upstairs to think. Why wouldn't Tori tell me about this? This has been happening for years and she just acted like everything was fine. I know it isn't her fault but she should've told me. I could've helped her. I could've stopped her from cutting. I shouldn't blame myself for this but I feel like it's my fault. I'm her big brother and if I would've known I could've stopped them and had her back. I know we fight and argue sometimes but I will always love her, no matter what the situation is I will have her back and if that Nash kid thinks he's going to act like a bitch to my little sister then he's wrong. It's like he doesn't care about anything but being popular. I've seen him once, and he looks stuck up too. He's our neighbor too. Which is even worst and we have to have dinner with that kid. I loved that we moved to Cali I just don't like that Tori has to be the victim at our school.

Tori's POV
I didn't really want to have dinner with Nash. Yeah he's cute and I might like him a little but he's a complete jerk to me. At least Matt is going to be there. We have dinner with them in an hour so I put on my red flannel, leggings and combat boots. Nothing special. I brushed my hair because it looked a mess and I helped Mom with some things. They'd be coming in about ten minutes so I watched tv to waist time.

The doorbell rang so I knew it was them. "I'll get the door!" I said walking to the door. "Hi, I'm Victoria. Nice to meet you." I said shaking her hand. "Hi, I'm Elizabeth. Nice to meet you too." She said walking in. "Hi." I said. "Hey." Nash said walking in. I rolled my eyes at him but he didn't notice.
"Hey Tori, do you think we could go up to your room, and catch up on some things. You know, because you just moved here?" He asked. I looked at Matthew and he shook his head. "Maybe later." I said nicely. "No you two can go upstairs, I think you two should know each other better." Mom said. "Sure, follow me." I said. We went upstairs. I was going to sit down before he pushed me, causing my to fall. I stood up again. "Nerd" he spat before pushing me into the wall, I feel over my chair which made my leg hurt. Bad. I started to cry. "No one loves you, no one will ever love you." He said. I sat down in the corner of my room with my legs up to my chest. "Leave me alone." I said. Matt came in the room. He saw me on the floor in the corner while Nash was standing in front of me. "What the fuck are you doing to my sister." He said while closing the door. "Shut up bitch" Nash said. I tried to stand up but he pushed me down. Matt tensed up. "Matt stop. It's okay." I said softly. "It's not fucking okay Tori." He said. Matt was about to punch him but he stopped. Mom walked inside. "What happened?" She asked. "She tripped on her chair and I tried to help her but she didn't want me to." Nash said. What a lying jerk. I didn't say anything. Mom helped me up while Matt walked out to his room and Nash went down stairs."Let's go down stairs to say bye okay?" She asked. "Okay" I said wiping my tears. When we went down stairs we all said bye and they went home. My leg didn't really hurt any more just my knee. "Are you ok?" Mom asked. "Mom fine, I'm just going to go lay down and try to get some sleep." I said. "Okay." She said. I went to my room and Matt walked in. "You okay?" He asked calmly. "Yeah my knee hurts a little but it's not that bad." I said. " I can't believe he would do that."he said. "Yeah, well I'm gonna get some sleep." I said. "Okay." He said closing the door. I dosed off to sleep.
This is kind of a long chapter. I'll write more in a few hours.

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