Chapter 14

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*3 days later*

Work out outfit at the top

Tori's POV
I decided that when the baby comes, I'll make my bedroom the baby's room and stay in Nash's room.

It was 1:23pm so I took a shower and did my normal routine. I went downstairs with my phone,earbuds, and water bottle. "Hey, I'm going out for a run before I get too big to walk. I'll be back later." I told Nash, who was in the living room watching Tv. "Alright babe." He chuckled. I pecked his lips and left.

I started to run with my phone playing music. I got tired so I started to walk. I don't know why, but when I walk for a long time, I put my head down. It's weird.

Then all of a sudden, someone runs into me and I stumble back a little. "Woah, I am so sorry." The boy with brown hair and eyes said. "Are you alright?" The Asian boy asked. "Yeah I'm fine, it's okay." I said with a small smile. "What's your name?" The boy with the brown hair and eyes asked. "Victoria, but I go by Tori." I said. "Well, my name is Shawn, and that's Carter. I smiled. "Hey, do you want to go to McDonald's and talk for a bit? To get to know each other?" Carter asked. "Sure." I said.

We sat down and Carter ordered our food. "So, tell me about yourself." I said with a smile. "Well, I'm Shawn Mendes, I'm 16, I live in a house with boys. Including the boy beside me." He said with a laugh. "I make small YouTube videos of my singing but I don't really get noticed and I like muffins!" He said. "Well, I'm Carter Reynolds, I'm 17, I also do YouTube videos but of different things and stuff." He said.

"Oh, well my name is Tori Espinosa, I'm 16 years old I moved to Cali a few months because my dad got a job here. I'm pregnant. I moved in with my boyfriend a month ago so we could take care of our baby." I said. I basically told them the whole story, start to finish. They had surprising,shocked,and happy looks on their faces. Our food came so we began eating.

  "Hey, why don't you come to the house. I want you to meet the boys, I'm sure they'll love you one hundred percent." Shawn said. I hesitant a little. "Can I bring Nash? Just so he doesn't get mad or worried?" He asked. "Sure, that's cool." He said. "Alright." I said, and we left McDonald's.

  When we got to my house I opened the door. I went upstairs to see Nash watching tv. "Hey, I was wondering if you and I could go to my friends house? I met two boys today and they invited me to their house to meet the other boys they live with. Wanna go?" I asked. "Sure." He said getting up. We both went downstairs. "Alright let's go." I said.
Short chapter I know....

Added Shawn and Carter to the story, but those aren't the only ones *wink wink*

It is really early in the morning. It's like a quarter to 3 I guess so I'll update tomorrow hopefully. Xoxo

Bullied by: Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now