Chapter 10

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Tori's POV
  I really don't want to go to school today. Yes, I don't want to go to school everyday, but this is different.
  I got in the car with Matt. "Don't forget to tell him the news." Matt said. "What he doesn't listening? What if he doesn't care what I'm trying to say and beat me up?" I asked. "It's okay. If you need me to come down, I'm always available I'm just upstairs." Matt said. "Okay." I said.

When I got to school I went to put my stuff in my locker. We had 30 more minutes before school actually started so I want to waist sometime. I thought about telling Nash during free period. "Hey Tori, did you like the party yesterday?" "I really need to tell you something." I said. "What is it?"she asked. "Can I tell you at lunch?" I asked. "Sure, is it something bad?" She asked. "Kind of." I said. "Oh okay. I'll be fight back." She said. "Okay." I said. A few minutes later, Nash and his 'group' came up to me. "Wait. Please." I said. "Woah, she talks." Cameron said, laughing. "You can't beat me up anymore." I said. "Give me a good reason I can't." Nash said. "I have to tell you later. Probably at free period? It's important." I said, and with that, they walked off. Right when the bell rang, Zoey came out of the restroom. "Let's go." She said.
It was free period so I went outside to wait for Nash, since he always go outside. Ten minutes passed and I thought he weren't going to show up, but luckily he did. He didn't come with his group, so that's good. "What do you want?" He asked a bit annoyed. "I need to talk to you about yesterday." I said. "I'm not talking to you about us having sex." He said walking away. "Come here this is important." I said. "Your waisting my time, now what do you want." He asked. "You got me pregnant." I said quietly with my head down. "I WHAT?" He yelled. Causing everyone to glance. "Fuck! My parents are going to kill me! What are we going to do?" He asked. "I was thinking, maybe in about a month or two, we can move into my parents emergency house. So you can help me with the baby." I said. "My mom won't like this." He said tugging at his hair. "We're going to have to drop out of school too." I said. He shrugged. "I don't really care about school anyways." He said. "You can't beat me up anymore." He sighed. "Okay well, I'm going to go back to the boys." He said, walking away. Well, that could've gone a lot better, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be though.
I told Zoey everything and she was extremely shocked. "I feel like this is my fault." She said putting her head down. "It's not your fault. I shouldn't have got drunk and listened to Matt. "So, how did Nash take the news?" She asked. "It didn't go as good but it didn't go bad either." I said. She nodded.
"So, how'd he take it?" Matt asked, when I got in the car. "It wasn't good but it wasn't bad either, his parents are going to kill him." I said. "Why do you care?" He asked. I put my head down. "Uh-I- I don't." I stuttered. "Do you like him?" He asked with a smirk. "Leave me alone." I said. "YOU DO?" He yelled. "Matt." I said. "Why would you like him?" He asked. "I don't know it's just something about him." I said. "Is it his eyes?" He asked. "That and it's something else." I said. "Wow." He said starting the car. "He said he liked me." I said. His eyes went wide. "Are you serious?" He asked. "That's what he told me." I shrugged. He drove back home.

Sorry I didn't update. This chapter isn't as long as I thought.

Bullied by: Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now